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Benchmarking framework
European Working Group

Benchmarking in Europe: phase III
The future: benchmarking database
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Minerva benchmarking working group produces a prototype of a database. As the group sees it, the long-term objective of the future is a European benchmarking database. It would give the possibility to

  • look for benchmarking partners from Member States
  • assess your own performance
  • compare it to that of others´
  • collect information of digitisation initiatives in Europe.

As time goes on, when the benchmarking database will be functioning, the online responses will be given

  1. when starting an initiative (the planned results)
  2. as an update once a year (filling in the information that has changed)
  3. when finishing an initiative (the actual results).

Accordingly there would be at least two versions of the responses in the database after the initiative in question has been finished. In the future the database would also give automatic summaries of the information of hierarchically related projects and programmes. In addition links with good practices could be used more effectively.

Different online modules (general information, management, digitisation, etc.) can belong to different levels (ministries/institutions) in different countries. The database should in the future be able to adapt to these situations.



Copyright Minerva Project 2003-04, last revision 2003-04-14, edited by Minerva Editorial Board.
URL: www.minervaeurope.org/structure/workinggroups/benchmarking/phaseIII.htm
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