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Guidance on Images
"Image Databases and Digitisation platform for ALM collaboration"
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The two-year project "Image Databases and Digitisation - platform for ALM-collaboration", has resulted in a 308-pages report.
For 22 months, 31 professionals from the Royal Library-National Library of Sweden, the Nationalmuseum, the National Heritage Board and the National Archives of Sweden have been discussing issues of registration and digitisation. The main focus has been on images, with the long-term objective to establish a common platform for co-operation between ALM institutions. The project report covers three main areas: terminology, principles for registration and (technical) quality & standards.
The report was presented at a seminar in February 2003. More than 200 professionals within the ALM field attended the meeting.

Project description & Executive summary in English: http://abm.kb.se/eng.htm
Contact: johan.mannerheim@kb.se or anne.scherman@kb.se


Copyright Minerva Project 2003-04, last revision 2003-04-28, edited by Minerva Editorial Board.
URL: www.minervaeurope.org/structure/workinggroups/goodpract/document/wp6doc_1.htm
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