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National Policy Profile (NPP)


Digitisation policies framework


Government policy for digitisation in the public administration

  • Main responsible body

    Ministro per l'innovazione e le tecnologie - MIT

Description of the policy

  • Policy framework (regulatory context, objectives, coordination and review strategies, selection criteria)

  • Funding and budget (funding mechanism, private companies, budget)

  • Technical guidelines and recommendations (IPR, standards, interoperability, long term preservation)

Policy framework

  • What is the regulatory framework for the policy (white paper, green paper, resolution etc):

    • Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento per l´innovazione e le tecnologie, Direttiva 21 dicembre 2001 Linee guida in materia di digitalizzazione dell´Amministrazione

    • Linee guida del Governo per lo sviluppo della Società dell´Informazione nella legislatura (Roma, giugno 2002) = The Government´s guidelines for the development of the Information Society (June 2002)

    • Documento di programmazione economico-finanziaria per gli anni 2003-2006 (5 luglio 2002) (§ IV.5.3) Economics and Finance Programme Document for the years 2003-2006

    • Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento per l´innovazione e le tecnologie, Direttiva 20 dicembre 2002 Linee guida in materia di digitalizzazione dell´Amministrazione, = Guidelines concerning digitisation in Public Administration

  • What are the objectives of the policy?

    Development of new technologies and of Information Society, particularly regarding:

    • Education

    • Research and technological innovation

    • Dissemination of technology

    • Computerization of Public Administration, Health and Justice procedures

    • New Economy

  • How is this policy co-ordinated?

    Minister for innovation and technologies

  • What is the strategy for reviewing the policy (mechanisms, frequency etc)? Have you selected some key indicators to monitor the process and evaluate its impact?

    • Users´ satisfaction survey

    • Definition of measurable objectives

    • Monitoring of intervention

  • Have you established priorities or selection criteria for content digitisation?

    • Automation of p.a. procedures

    • On-line public services in the e-government context

    • I.T. for human resources management

  • What actions at European level regarding digitisation are in your view most likely to add value to on going national initiatives (e.g. co-ordination, help-desk, portal, funding, ...)

    Co-ordination, funding

Funding and budget

  • Funding mechanism and budget

  • What funding mechanisms are available for implementing this digitisation policy? (eg projects, subsidy, grant, incentive schemes etc)

  • Do you have any strategy to involve private companies in the digitisation activities? If yes, what are the incentives?

  • What is the share of the total budget reserved for digitisation?

Technical guidelines and recommendations

  • IPR issues (eg rights assigned to or shared with funding body; special provisions for free access such as educational uses, exploitation/commercial rights for reuse).

  • Standards (eg quality thresholds, image resolutions, image and file formats)

  • Interoperability (eg mandatory standards, conformance testing centres, requirements for provision of metadata)

  • Long term preservation of the digitised data (eg commitment to archival responsibilities, deposit/copy rules)

  • additional information


Government policy for digitisation of cultural heritage

  • Main responsible body

    Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali - MiBAC

  • Other bodies involved:

    Regions and Autonomous Provinces (local libraries, local museums and archives) (Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces Coordinating Body for Cultural Heritage, www.regionibeniculturali.it).

  • related programmes:

    See under MiBAC General Directorates and Central Institutes

  • related projects:

    See under MiBAC General Directorates and Central Institutes

Description of the policy

  • Policy framework (regulatory context, objectives, coordination and review strategies, selection criteria)

  • Funding and budget (funding mechanism, private companies, budget)

  • Technical guidelines and recommendations (IPR, standards, interoperability, long term preservation)

Policy framework

  • What is the regulatory framework for the policy (white paper, green paper, resolution etc):

    • Direttiva generale del Ministro sull'azione amministrativa e sulla gestione per l'anno 2002, emanata ai sensi degli articoli 4 e 14 del d.lgs.vo 30 marzo 2001, n.165, 5 febbraio 2002, Prot. 1550 (= Official ministerial address on administrative action and management for 2002)

    • D. Lgs. 31.03.98, nr. 112 - Conferimento di funzioni e compiti amministrativi dello Stato alle regioni ed agli enti locali, in attuazione del capo I della legge 15/03/97 n.59.

    • D. Lgs. 29/10/99, nr. 490 Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative in materia di beni culturali e ambientali, a norma dell'articolo 1 della legge 8/10/97, n. 352.

    • 2001 - Accordo tra il Ministro per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e le Regioni per la catalogazione dei beni culturali di cui all'art. 149, comma 4, lettera e) del decreto legislativo 31 marzo 1998, n° 112 (PROVV. 1.2.2001).

  • What are the objectives of the policy?

    • easier public access to cultural resources

    • coordination of initiatives concerning the different cultural heritage sectors

    • uniform approach of different memory institutions (archives, libraries, museums, etc.) for integrated access to cultural heritage"

  • How is this policy co-ordinated?

    General Secretary, General directorates and Central Institutes of MiBAC

  • What is the strategy for reviewing the policy (mechanisms, frequency etc)?

  • Have you selected some key indicators to monitor the process and evaluate its impact?

  • Have you established priorities or selection criteria for content digitisation?

    Creation of a precise outline of the national cultural heritage, public and private, through fast and wide census and electronic cataloguing of cultural assets.Digitisation of cultural and scientific contents.

  • What actions at European level regarding digitisation are in your view most likely to add value to on going national initiatives (e.g. co-ordination, help-desk, portal, funding, ...)

    Co-ordination initiatives

Funding and budget

  • Funding mechanism and budget

  • What funding mechanisms are available for implementing this digitisation policy? (eg projects, subsidy, grant, incentive schemes etc)

    • Public funding

    • Projects

  • Do you have any strategy to involve private companies in the digitisation activities? If yes, what are the incentives?

  • What is the share of the total budget reserved for digitisation?

Technical guidelines and recommendations

  • IPR issues (eg rights assigned to or shared with funding body; special provisions for free access such as educational uses, exploitation/commercial rights for reuse).

    Government bill for implementation of the Directive 29/2001/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (D. LGS. 09.04.2003, nr.68)

    L. 22 aprile 1941, n. 633, "Protezione del diritto d'autore e di altri diritti connessi al suo esercizio"; L. 18 agosto 2000, n. 248,"Nuove norme sul diritto d'autore"

    It has been established a working group to study IPR problems and data protection in connection with accessibility of cultural web sites.

  • Standards (eg quality thresholds, image resolutions, image and file formats)

    ICCD sets of rules (in Italian, to download at the url: www.iccd.beniculturali.it).

  • Interoperability (eg mandatory standards, conformance testing centres, requirements for provision of metadata)

    • Extensible Markup Language (XML)

    • Dublin Core Metadata Element Set


    • Z39.50.

  • Long term preservation of the digitised data (eg commitment to archival responsibilities, deposit/copy rules)

  • additional information


Policy for Libraries

Description of the policy

  • Policy framework (regulatory context, objectives, coordination and review strategies, selection criteria)

  • Funding and budget (funding mechanism, private companies, budget)

  • Technical guidelines and recommendations (IPR, standards, interoperability, long term preservation)

Policy framework

  • What is the regulatory framework for the policy (white paper, green paper, resolution etc):

    Italian policies for digitisation activities are basically related to the so called Ronchey law (from the name of the Ministry of Culture), that sets free access for all to the public collections of the ALM sector and the fee for reproduction services in state holdings only based on the material costs of the services. Most of the digitisation activities in state and local cultural institutes still respond to the criteria stated in this decree, although the regional policies are not strictly subjected to the decree.

    • L. 14.01.1993 nr. 4, Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del D. L. 14.11.1992 nr. 433, recante misure urgenti per il funzionamento dei musei statali. Disposizioni in materia di biblioteche statali e archivi di Stato. Pubblicata su G.U. 15.01.1993 nr. 11

    • D.M. 31.01.1994, nr. 171 Regolamento recante determinazione di indirizzi, criteri e modalità per la gestione del servizio editoriale e di vendita riguardante le riproduzioni di beni culturali e la realizzazione di cataloghi ed altro materiale informativo, dei servizi riguardanti i beni librari e archivistici per la fornitura di riproduzioni e il recapito nell'ambito del prestito bibliotecario, nonché dei servizi di caffetteria, di ristorazione, di guardaroba e di vendita di altri beni correlati all'informazione museale presso i musei, le gallerie, gli scavi archeologici, le biblioteche e gli archivi di Stato e gli altri istituti dello Stato consegnatari di beni culturali.
      Pubblicato su G. U. 11 marzo 1994 nr. 58.

    • D.M. 8-4-1994 Tariffario per la determinazione di canoni, corrispettivi e modalità per le concessioni relative all'uso strumentale e precario dei beni in consegna al Ministero.
      Pubblicato su G. U. 6 maggio 1994, n. 104.

    For Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale see Agreement signed the 10th March 1994 by the Italian Ministry of Culture, the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research and Regions.

    For Digital Library please see the feasibility study on digital library.

    Resolution set up during the National Conference on Digital Library held in Padua on 14th -17th of February 2001.

  • What are the objectives of the policy?

    • Access to cultural heritage

    • Preservation of cultural heritage

    • Maintenance and management of electronic resources

  • How is this policy co-ordinated?

    • National Committee for coordination established the 16th July 2001 (for SBN)

    • National Commitee established the 30th April 2001 with Ministerial Act (for the BDI)

  • What is the strategy for reviewing the policy (mechanisms, frequency etc)? Have you selected some key indicators to monitor the process and evaluate its impact?

    Working groups and annual national Conference. At the moment we are working in defining key indicators and in undertaking some digitisation projects (historical catalogues digitisation, etc.)

  • Have you established priorities or selection criteria for content digitisation?

    For what concerns content digitisation, the above mentioned national commitee is dealing with the subjects and criteria

  • What actions at European level regarding digitisation are in your view most likely to add value to on going national initiatives (e.g. co-ordination, help-desk, portal, funding, ...)

    Portal, funding, coordination.

Funding and budget

  • Funding mechanism and budget

  • What funding mechanisms are available for implementing this digitisation policy? (eg projects, subsidy, grant, incentive schemes etc)


  • Do you have any strategy to involve private companies in the digitisation activities? If yes, what are the incentives?

  • What is the share of the total budget reserved for digitisation?

    For three years (2001-2003) 10 billions of lires (5.162.000 Euro) for the Digital library.

Technical guidelines and recommendations

  • IPR issues (eg rights assigned to or shared with funding body; special provisions for free access such as educational uses, exploitation/commercial rights for reuse).

  • Standards (eg quality thresholds, image resolutions, image and file formats)

    • Extensible Markup Language (XML)

    • Dublin Core Metadata Element Set


    • Z39.50.

  • Interoperability (eg mandatory standards, conformance testing centres, requirements for provision of metadata)

    See the section about the projects.

  • Long term preservation of the digitised data (eg commitment to archival responsibilities, deposit/copy rules)

    See the section about the projects.

  • additional information


Policy for historical, artistic, ethnological, anthropological heritage and folklore

Description of the policy

  • Policy framework (regulatory context, objectives, coordination and review strategies, selection criteria)

  • Funding and budget (funding mechanism, private companies, budget)

  • Technical guidelines and recommendations (IPR, standards, interoperability, long term preservation)

Policy framework

  • What is the regulatory framework for the policy (white paper, green paper, resolution etc):
    • D. lgs. nr. 490/1999, Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative in materia di beni culturali e ambientali (a norma art. 1 L. 352/1997)

    • PROVV. 1.2.2001 Accordo tra il Ministro per i Beni e le Attivitą Culturali e le Regioni per la catalogazione dei beni culturali di cui all'art. 149, comma 4, lettera e) del decreto legislativo 31 marzo 1998, n° 112.
  • What are the objectives of the policy?

    To give remote access to cultural heritage. First objective is the creation of the Catalogue of Environmental, Architectural, Archaeological, Artistic, Historical, and Demo-ethno-anthropological Heritage. The Informative System, currently under implementation, will allow network access to geo-referenced textual data relating to the catalogue of Italian cultural heritage, accompanied by related documentary attachments: digital images, drawings in raster and vector formats, multimedia documents. This tool will allow a broad range of users to benefit from the data produced within the Italian Ministry of the Cultural Heritage and Activities, but also from the data stored in the Data Banks created by other bodies which, owing to a variety of qualifications, are involved in cataloguing of cultural heritage (Regions, Local Governments, Ecclesiastical Bodies, Universities).

  • How is this policy co-ordinated?

    ICCD (co-ordinating all Catalogue and Documentation Offices of the territorial Supervision Agencies)

    Catalogue and Documentation Offices of the territorial Superintendencies (programming and co-ordinating cataloguing of State protected assets; supervising cataloguing of cultural assets by local and ecclesiastic authorities through agreements, commissions and so on)

  • What is the strategy for reviewing the policy (mechanisms, frequency etc)? Have you selected some key indicators to monitor the process and evaluate its impact?

    ICCD issues guidelines for cataloguing activities, through an annual institutional memorandum, and evaluates long term (3 year) and short term (1 year) Superintendence programmes. Evaluation is based on indicators such as:

    Adherence to guidelines, Adherence to ICCD directives, Project feasibility, Project grant requirements, Amount of previously transmitted data.

    The ICCD prepares an annual summary of activities. A national seminar and a national report on cataloguing activities have recently been held and published.

  • Have you established priorities or selection criteria for content digitisation?

    An yearly institutional memorandum establishes the priorities: Development of an Electronic Archive of "Legally Bound Heritage" (Beni vincolati);Cataloguing of the "Legally Bound" patrimony; Cataloguing of private collections formally placed under protection and of exceptionally interesting private collections at the purpose of their protection; Cataloguing of museum collections at the purpose of inventory reorganization and update;
    Recognition of movable and real estate resources of Demesnial property. Cataloguing of resources which are at risk of theft, loss or damage. Contextual cataloguing of architectural and archaeological real estate resources, of findings and of related cultural heritage, aimed at geo- referencing and at the territorial positioning of such resources, in relation to the development of the Catalogue's General Informative System.
    Completion and digitisation of previously financed cataloguing campaigns.Enhancement of image digitisation activities

  • What actions at European level regarding digitisation are in your view most likely to add value to on going national initiatives (e.g. co-ordination, help-desk, portal, funding, ...)

    Help-desk, portal, funding

Funding and budget

  • Funding mechanism and budget

  • What funding mechanisms are available for implementing this digitisation policy? (eg projects, subsidy, grant, incentive schemes etc)

    Public grant

  • Do you have any strategy to involve private companies in the digitisation activities? If yes, what are the incentives?

    In past years licensed agencies have carried out digital cataloguing projects promoted by special laws (L 41/1986/; L 160/1998; L 84/1990).

  • What is the share of the total budget reserved for digitisation?

Technical guidelines and recommendations

  • IPR issues (eg rights assigned to or shared with funding body; special provisions for free access such as educational uses, exploitation/commercial rights for reuse).

  • Standards (eg quality thresholds, image resolutions, image and file formats)

    In relation to the goal of defining cataloguing standards and of unifying data survey methodologies, the Institute has issued the following norms:

    • Norms for Data Structuring and Transfer, 1998
    • Catalographic card models for: Movables (archaeological, numismatic and ethnographic findings, charts of materials, works and objects of art, drawings, prints and matrixes, scientific instruments); Real estate (architectures, parks and gardens, monuments and archaeological complexes, stratigraphical essays); Urban-territorial resources (municipal territory, urban/extra urban sectors, historical centres, archaeological sites); Demo-ethno-anthropological resources (testimonies of material and demo-ethno-anthropological culture); Events (thefts, restrictions).
    • Norms for digital acquisition of photographic images related to catalogue cards, issued in 1998. The norms, laid out by ICCD with the technical advice of ENEA, regulate the image acquisition and storage processes
    • Terminological support
    • Control and validation tools

    All the above mentioned tools will be integrated in the Catalogue's General Informative System.

    All the norms may be retrieved from the Internet site www.iccd.beniculturali.it (in Italian)

  • Interoperability (eg mandatory standards, conformance testing centres, requirements for provision of metadata)

  • Long term preservation of the digitised data (eg commitment to archival responsibilities, deposit/copy rules)

  • additional information


Policy for archaeological heritage

Description of the policy

  • Policy framework (regulatory context, objectives, coordination and review strategies, selection criteria)

  • Funding and budget (funding mechanism, private companies, budget)

  • Technical guidelines and recommendations (IPR, standards, interoperability, long term preservation)

Policy framework

  • What is the regulatory framework for the policy (white paper, green paper, resolution etc)

  • What are the objectives of the policy?

  • How is this policy co-ordinated?

  • What is the strategy for reviewing the policy (mechanisms, frequency etc)? Have you selected some key indicators to monitor the process and evaluate its impact?

  • Have you established priorities or selection criteria for content digitisation?

    Priorities for content digitisation in the area of archaeology are based on the degree of vulnerability and risk of single items.

    Selection criteria pursued are those of heritage valorisation

  • What actions at European level regarding digitisation are in your view most likely to add value to on going national initiatives (e.g. co-ordination, help-desk, portal, funding, ...)

Funding and budget

  • Funding mechanism and budget

  • What funding mechanisms are available for implementing this digitisation policy? (eg projects, subsidy, grant, incentive schemes etc)

    Public funding; projects

  • Do you have any strategy to involve private companies in the digitisation activities? If yes, what are the incentives?


  • What is the share of the total budget reserved for digitisation?

    Funds annually reserved to digitisation by DGBA amount to €

Technical guidelines and recommendations

  • IPR issues (eg rights assigned to or shared with funding body; special provisions for free access such as educational uses, exploitation/commercial rights for reuse).

  • Standards (eg quality thresholds, image resolutions, image and file formats)

  • Interoperability (eg mandatory standards, conformance testing centres, requirements for provision of metadata)

  • Long term preservation of the digitised data (eg commitment to archival responsibilities, deposit/copy rules)

  • additional information


Policy for Archives

  • Main responsible body

    MiBAC - Direzione generale per gli archivi

  • Other bodies involved

    103 State Archives, 35 State Archives Sections, 20 Archival Supervision Agencies

  • related programmes:

    Sistema Archivistico Nazionale

  • related projects:

    • Archivi

    • SIUSA - Unified Information System for Supervision Agencies

    • XML Updating of General Guide to State Archives

Description of the policy

  • Policy framework (regulatory context, objectives, coordination and review strategies, selection criteria)

  • Funding and budget (funding mechanism, private companies, budget)

  • Technical guidelines and recommendations (IPR, standards, interoperability, long term preservation)

Policy framework

  • What is the regulatory framework for the policy (white paper, green paper, resolution etc):

    D. lgs. nr. 490/1999, Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative in materia di beni culturali e ambientali (a norma art. 1 L. 352/1997)

    Making, reproduction and preservation of digital documents:

    • Deliberazione AIPA 42/2001, Regole tecniche per la riproduzione e conservazione di documenti su supporto ottico idoneo a garantire la conformità dei documenti agli original (ai sensi art. 6, commi 1 e 2, dpr 445/2000).

    • Circolare AIPA 28/2001, Standard, modalità di trasmissione, formato e definizioni dei tipi di informazioni minime ed accessorie comunemente scambiate tra le pubbliche amministrazioni e associate ai documenti protocollati

    • Deliberazione AIPA 51/2000, Regole tecniche in materia di formazione e conservazione di documenti informatici delle pubbliche amministrazioni (ai sensi art. 18, comma 3 dpr 513/1997)

    • D.P.R. 445/2000, Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia di documentazione amministrativa

    • Deliberazione AIPA 24/98 Regole tecniche per l'uso di supporti ottici (a sensi art. 2 comma 15 L. 537/1993)

    Financing of archives digitisation activities:

    • Legge 145/1992, Interventi organici di tutela e valorizzazione dei beni culturali

  • What are the objectives of the policy?

    • Creation of an accessible National Archive System based on interoperation and integration of distributed data banks.

    • Increasing data about national documentary heritage and give wider access to information

    • To study integration ways between different cultural heritage information systems

    • Next objective of the Archive Administration is to exploit the results of past projects based on different technologies, and to update their contents and reference instruments according to users' needs.

  • How is this policy co-ordinated?

    Planning, technological processing, programming of digitisation activities: Direzione generale per gli archivi

    Heritage cataloguing policy: Istituto centrale per gli archivi (established by dpr 441/2000, next setting up)

  • What is the strategy for reviewing the policy (mechanisms, frequency etc)? Have you selected some key indicators to monitor the process and evaluate its impact?

    Monitoring of number and quality of remote accesses to data bank. It will be soon produced a monitoring system for activities related to implementation and updating of data bases.

  • Have you established priorities or selection criteria for content digitisation?

    • Exhaustive updated index of documentary complexes

    • Security digital reproduction of most valuable or consulted series

  • What actions at European level regarding digitisation are in your view most likely to add value to on going national initiatives (e.g. co-ordination, help-desk, portal, funding, ...)

    Portal, funding.

Funding and budget

  • Funding mechanism and budget

  • What funding mechanisms are available for implementing this digitisation policy? (eg projects, subsidy, grant, incentive schemes etc)

    Public funding

  • Do you have any strategy to involve private companies in the digitisation activities? If yes, what are the incentives?


  • What is the share of the total budget reserved for digitisation?

Technical guidelines and recommendations

  • IPR issues (eg rights assigned to or shared with funding body; special provisions for free access such as educational uses, exploitation/commercial rights for reuse).

  • Standards (eg quality thresholds, image resolutions, image and file formats)

    • Committee on descriptive standards of the Consiglio internazionale degli archivi (istituito nel 1996): ISAD, ISAAR

    • National regulatory framework: technological standards

  • Interoperability (eg mandatory standards, conformance testing centres, requirements for provision of metadata)

    W3C recommendations: XML (metalanguage), JPEG, TIF (images)

  • Long term preservation of the digitised data (eg commitment to archival responsibilities, deposit/copy rules)

    National regulatory framework

  • additional information



Copyright Minerva Project 2003-06, last revision 2003-09-02, edited by Minerva Editorial Board.
URL: www.minervaeurope.org/structure/nrg/npp/italy/policy.htm
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