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Directory of European and national rules on Web Applications (updated version, 21 May 2008)
edited by the Research Staff of the Italian Senate Library


Overview from the ECPRD Correspondent

In February 2008 the Swedish Ministry of Culture sent the report Implementation of the Commission Recommendation on digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation to the European Commission [see section Reports]. An abstract from that report, explaining how the responsibility for carrying out policies, strategies and activities on digitisation is distributed in Sweden on the political level as well as on a practical level, follows below:

"Political level
Sweden has a constitutional “bottom up” approach, and the responsibility for carrying out policies, strategies and activities on digitisation of the Swedish cultural and scientific heritage is, therefore, decentralised and a task for public agencies in these fields. The Government supervises the operations of the governmental agencies by issuing allocation directives and ordinances with instructions to be fulfilled by the agencies.
As a result, the Swedish government does not have a consolidated national policy on digitisation. Instead, the different cultural heritage sectors play an important role. They have developed standards, best practices and therewith quality standards for their own sectors; some date back as early as to the 1990s. A long tradition of informal ALM cooperation between the cultural heritage institutions plays a key role in making these standards and best practices applicable across the different sectors.
The cultural sector as a whole is now being examined in Sweden and certain changes that might have an influence on digitisation and related issues can be expected as a result of this evaluation. The Committee of Inquiry on Cultural Policy has been appointed by the Government to review cultural policy, its direction and work methods, and submit proposals for changes. The Inquiry was appointed in June 2007 and is to report its work to the Ministry of Culture by 31 December 2008 at the latest. The Committee of Inquiry on Cultural Policy has received instructions from the Government (in its terms of reference) but it works independently. In formal terms, the Inquiry on Cultural Policy is an individual agency. The remit of the Committee of Inquiry on Cultural Policy has been drafted by the Government in the form of Terms of Reference (ToR 2007:99). The remit includes presenting proposals after consideration of, amongst other things, the need for changes in the national cultural policy objectives; the interplay between cultural policy at government, county council and municipal level; how cultural policy can interact with other relevant areas of society; the central government administrative organisation in the field of culture, and government grant systems.
A baseline for a strategy on digitisation, online accessibility and digital preservation, is already given in reports from several other state committees of inquiry.[1] The Government has also in a number of bills, accepted by the Parliament, set up the political alignments for the cooperation between archives, libraries, audiovisual institutions and museums, especially concerning the long-term preservation of and accessibility to digital information, and for national and international cooperation on digitisation.[2]
With that, most of the basic work on coordinating digitisation, on line access and long-term preservation is in place, at least when it comes to the library, archival and audiovisual sectors. These sectors have a rather long history of cooperation in Sweden, and within each sector are ‘policies’ in the form of optional standards and guidebooks in place which –  by being widely used - can be categorised as sectorial. The museum sector has so far been too fragmentised to develop coordination mechanisms on the same level as the archival, audiovisual and library sectors, both internally and cross-sectorial. 
It is of course of common interest for Sweden and its cultural institutions to be visible in a European context. However, coordinated actions like The European Digital Library programme needs to be based on a solid coordination at national level. To tackle the unbalance between the Swedish cultural heritage sectors, the Government has called for a national Coordinator for the Museum Sector tasked to enhance the cooperation activities between museum institutions, and focusing primarily on state owned museums under the Ministry of Culture and other museums financially supported by this Ministry.[3] The coordinator has in a first report pointed out digitisation and a coordinated interface on the web for museums as priority areas. The final report from the coordinator is planned to be presented in February 2009.
Based on the results of previous and on-going work mentioned above, the Swedish Government will in 2009 have fulfilled a number of prerequisites and have gathered the information necessary to see whether any additional measures are needed on a national level. 
Practical level
The Swedish national cultural heritage institutions have over the years had an increasingly growing collaboration in the field of digitisation. Some of the institutions have also joined European projects such as PrestoSpace, TEL, Minerva and Minerva spin-off projects and initiatives (MinervaPlus, Minerva EC, MichaelPlus). The most significant domestic result of these collaboration efforts is probably the ABM-centrum ( ), which is a secretariat for coordination of archives, libraries and museum in Sweden (in English ALM-centre). For the moment eight institutions are partnered: the National Library, the Nationalmuseum, the National Heritage Board, the National Archives, the Swedish Arts Council, the Swedish Museum of Natural History, the Swedish National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images, and the Nordiska museet. The guiding keywords for the ABM-centrum are coordination, accessibility and collaboration. Emphasis is placed on stimulating the development of harmonised digitisation strategies and methodologies. The ABM-centrum is a project extending over a period of three years, today as a full time secretariat. During 2006 - 2007, the ABM-centrum received special public funding for conducting a training programme designed to improve knowledge of and skills in digitisation. This program was targeted at employees involved in so called Access projects. The focus of the courses was the overall view of digitisation, i.e. the whole process including project planning, selection, preservation measures, description, image capture, long term preservation, accessibility and intellectual property rights issues.
An important spin off effect of this training programme has been a de facto standardisation of digitisation practices among Swedish cultural institutions.
For the moment mechanisms for overviews of digitised resources in Sweden are scattered and mainly organised sector by sector"
(sent by Charlotte Albrektson, The Riksdag Administration Research Service)]


SFS 2006:24 Lag om nationella toppdomäner för Sverige på Internet
(Swedish Code of Statutes 2006:24 Act on National Top-Level Domains for Sweden on the Internet)

SFS 2003:389 Lag om elektronisk kommunikation
Ändrad t.o.m. SFS 2007:1375
(Swedish Code of Statutes 2003:389 Electronic Communications Act
Including amendments: up to and including SFS 2007:1375)

SFS 1994:949
(Swedish Code of Statutes 1994:949 The Disability Ombudsman Instructions Ordinance
Issued: 9.06.1994
Including amendments: up to and including SFS 2000:1170)

SFS 1994:79
(Swedish Code of Statutes 1994: 749 The Disability Ombudsman Act
Issued: 9.06.1994
Including amendments: up to and including SFS 1999:143),%20uppdaterad2.pdf

SFS 1960:729 Lag om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk
Ändrad t.o.m. SFS 2007:521
(Swedish Code of Statutes 1960:729 Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works
Including amendments: up to and including SFS 2007:521)

Government Bills

Prop. 2004/05:175 Från IT-politik för samhället till politik för IT-samhället
(Gov. Bill 2004/05:175 From IT policy to a policy for the IT society)

Prop. 2004/05:124 Arkivfrågor
(Gov. Bill 2004/05:124 Archive matters)

Prop. 2004/05:110 Upphovsrätten i informationssamhället - genomförande av direktiv 2001/29/EG, m.m.
(Gov. Bill 2004/05:110 Copyright in the Information Society – implementing Directive 2001/29/EC, etc.=

Prop. 2004/05: 80 Forskning för ett bättre liv
(Gov. Bill 2004/05:80 Research for a better life)

Prop. 2002/03:1 Budgetproposition
(Gov. Bill 2002/03:1 Budget Bill)

Prop. 1999/2000:86
(Gov. Bill (1999/2000:86) An information society for all)

Prop. 1999/2000:79
Gov. Bill (1999/2000:79) From patient to citizen – a national action plan for disability policy
(To make IT accessible to disabled people and to make them improve accessibility in other sectors of the society)

Prop. 1999/2000:1 Budgetproposition
(Gov. Bill 1999/2000:1 Budget Bill)

Preparatory Materials

SOU 2004:53
Bevara ljud och rörlig bild. Insamling, migrering – prioritering 
(Swedish Government Official Reports 2004:53
Preserving sound and moving images. Collecting, migration – setting priorities)

SOU 2004:56
E-tjänster för alla
(Swedish Government Official Reports 2004:56
E-services for all ]

SOU 2003:129
KB ett nav i kunskapssamhället
(Swedish Government Official Reports 2003:129
The Royal Library (KB) – a hub of the knowledge-based society)

SOU 2003:55
Digitala tjänster - hur då? En IT-politik för resultat och nytta
(Swedish Government Official Reports 2003:55
Digital services – but how? An effective and beneficial IT policy)

Ds 2003:35
Upphovsrätten i informationssamhället - genomförande av direktiv 2001/29/EG, m.m.
(Ministry Publications Series 2003:35
Copyright in the information society – implementing Directive 2001/29/EC, etc.)

SOU 2002:78
Arkiv för alla – nu och i framtiden
(Swedish Government Official Reports 2002:78
Archives for all – now and in the future)

SOU 2002:20
Guide på Internet - ett stöd för medborgarens möte med det offentliga
(Swedish Government Official Reports 2002:20
Internet Guide – helping citizens meet the public sector)

SOU 2001:63
Offentliga Sverige på nätet
(Swedish Government Official Reports 2001:63
Public Sector Sweden on the Net)

Ds 1999:20
Kulturnät Sverige – för ökad tillgänglighet till kulturen på Internet 
(Ministry Publications Series 1999:20
CultureNet Sweden – to improve access to culture on the Internet)


Swedish Ministry of Culture
Implementation of the "Commission Recommendation on digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation"
Report [sent the to the European Commission, referring to EU Recommendation n. 2006/585/EC of 24.08.2006]
February 2008
[see Overview from the ECPRD Correspondent]

Nationella koordinatorn för museisektorn (National Coordinator for the museum sector)
Lägesrapport rörande uppdraget som Koordinator för museisektorn
(Situation report on the remit of the Coordinator for the museum sector)
Oktober 2007

Ministry of Justice
Public Access to Information and Secrecy with Swedish Authorities
December 2004
[Brochure about access to official documents]

Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management)
E-tjänster och besökare på offentliga webbplatser
(The E-services and visitors to public websites
Situation report)
Februari 2004

Statskontoret (The Swedish Agency for Public Management)
Interconnected Government. A proposal for strengthening central co-ordination of e-government development efforts

Ministry of Justice
The Swedish Approach to Public Access to Documents
Fact sheet Ju 00.14e
November 2000

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
National strategy for eHealth
May 2006
[Excerpt from the Summary of the Report:
"ICT in tomorrow’s health and elderly care; […] ICT – a versatile tool offering new possibilities; ICT in a new strategic operational perspective; Keynotes for a strategic operational perspective on ICT; […] Bringing laws and regulations into line with extended ICT use; Creating a common information structure; Creating a common technical infrastructure; Facilitating interoperable, supportive ICT systems; Facilitating access to information across organisational boundaries; 6. Making information and services easily accessible to citizens"]


Sveriges Rikes lag. 1861- . Stockholm: Norsedt, 1861-

Web Sources

Official Gateway to Sweden

Sveriges Riksdag (Parliament)

Regeringskansliet (Government) [English version]

In particular:
Regeringskansliet Social Departementet

Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management)

ABM-centrum (ALM-centre)
[Secretariat for coordination of archives, libraries and museums in Sweden]



Hjälpmedelsinstitutet (The Swedish Handicap Institute)

Reports published as SOU 2002:78; SOU 2003:129 and SOU 2004:53

Governments bills number 2004/05: 80, 124 and 175

Published as a directive for committees, number 2007:22






Quality, accessibility, usability

Best Practices