
Planning Kit for a Quality Site for Small and Medium Sized Museums

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Educational Services

This section will introduce the educational activities offered by the museum, such as guided tours, educational laboratories and workshops. Projects will be differentiated according to age of target users and/or the route of the tour. Where possible, audio-visual and other support materials should be available on-line. This material is intended to support and prepare for the educational tours.

When considering universities and schools, the museum should be aware of the guidelines and projects of the educational system of the territory concerned (in Italy the Sistema dei Servizi educativi del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali).

Online examples

To learn more...

  • ArtCyclopedia [Last visit 07-09-07]
    A guide to art museums with websites designed to be entertaining and educational for students. Fun and games, art interpretation, lesson plans, etc.


© Minerva Project 2005-02, last revision 2007-09-07, edited by WP5, Committee for the development of a prototype of public cultural websites.
URL: www.minervaeurope/structure/workinggroups/userneeds/prototipo/protomuseo/museo/attivita/didattica_e.html