
Planning Kit for a Quality Site for Small and Medium Sized Museums

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Criteria of Usability for Cultural Web Applications (CWA)

From the Handbook for quality in cultural Web sites Improving quality for citizens, paragraph 2.4:

For the definition of quality in CWA’s, applying these principles to the planning and realisation of Web sites has led to the selection of Criteria of Usability. These criteria further address and define the problem.

The Criteria are divided into Categories that represent user needs to be satisfied.

  2.4.1 Make contents perceivable
  2.4.2 Recognise that the site is a Cultural Web Application
  2.4.3 Recognise the aims of the site
  2.4.4 Gain a general impression of the site before proceeding to a detailed visit.
  2.4.5 Be able to exploit quality contents
  2.4.6 Presentation of Contents Functional layout Functional graphic elements Functional multimedia elements
  2.4.7 Site Navigation
  2.4.8 Searching

© Minerva Project 2005-02, last revision 2006-03-23, edited by WP5, Committee for the development of a prototype of public cultural websites.
URL: www.minervaeurope/structure/workinggroups/userneeds/prototipo/progproto/accessibilita/criteri_e.html