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Handbook for quality in cultural Web sites
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  European and national rules on Web Applications  

Directory of European and national rules on Web Applications
edited by the Library of the Italian Senate
(Chiara De Vecchis)

  1. Foreword
  2. European regulation
  3. Member states rules
  4. International documents

1. Foreword

Definition and goals
In addition to the Guidelines and Recommendations a list is being compiled. This list offers the most complete and updated panorama of production of standards and regulations - both at the community level and of the single members of the European Union - relative to Web Applications. This is done with the conviction that information on directions and policies currently in act in the differing national situations is an indispensable step towards the adoption of uniform, shared qualitative criteria.
It will have periodic updates and, where possible, links to the complete text of each single regulation and standard.

Structure and criteria
It will be an un-annotated list, organised by nation and within which data will be eventually organised according to the differing laws sources.
To explain clearly, there were added short notes to illustrate the content of the documents. Inside each paragraph, the specifications are in chronological order, from the last years. Indeed, this research should not be considered as being limited to State legislation (which appears at first view, in this specific area, to be still very limited in terms of quality.); rather, the study aims to include any normative document from public sources which is relevant to Web application, with particular reference - on the side of "addressee" of the regulations - to cultural public subject, and - on the side of contents - to usability and accessibility themes. In some cases other types of not normative documents (reports, projects, different publications) have been included as judged indicatives of political choices which have impact on themes of the inventory. In the final schedule some international standards will also be included.
The documents on web applications related to the aspects of the ‘Information Society’, are excluded. Those are the domains and the supplying web access service regulation, specifique tecniques on infrastructure or on formats, metadata etc, regulations on web security of nets and privacy, telecommercing and distance university, diffusion and development of broadband, intellectual property, digital signature, digital protocoll and issues connected to e-business, e-commerce ,e-learning and to telecommunications in general. Moreover are escluded the norms related to the formation, conservation, and riprodaction of offline digital documents. All that concerning l’e-government has been included only if relevant for the ambits of the inventory or if, vice versa, relating to general strategies and policies. At the level of the community, it has bee given particulary emphases to documents producted in the contest of the various eEurope initiatives.
Some efforts have been devoted to including more links – also not “official”- to the norms texts, to garantee the best availability, when ever it is possible, giving preference to links to texts in PDF format. In some cases, have been pointed out other texts in different ways connected to the mentioned norms.
All that being stated, the inventory does not presume to be exhaustive: it is meant to be ,specially in the online version, as work in progress open not only to future modifications of the normative national and international landscape, but also to furthers widening implementation by compilers and users.

Methodology and sources
The research has been mostly carry out at the Italian Senat of Library, taking advantage of its collection of sources and search tools. In particular, the official sources for the laws of the EU Countries have been selected from the bibliography Le pubblicazioni ufficiali dei Paesi dell’Unione Europea attraverso le raccolte della Biblioteca del Senato, appendix of La bibliografia italiana dei Parlamenti nazionali dell’Unione Europea, to be shortly edited by the Library. Other sources are mentioned in the conclusion of the singles schedules, nation by nation.In the research in database or on internet, the main key words have been Web and Internet variously combined with Digitalisation, Accessibility, Quality, Usability and Public (in the various languages of the list). From the point of view of chronological cover, the duration and validity of the norms will be taken into account and in any case, all documents from 1995 to the present day will be included.The last visit to all mentioned URL has been effected between the 10th january and the 9th february2004.

Problems and observations
In attempting an exhaustive cover in this area, certain factors must be considered.
In the first place, the research is carried out in the context of documentation from public sources, which can be considered critical from the point of view of accessibility and qualitative organisation of documents.
Secondly, documents of limited circulation or which are less "visible," are also considered relevant (circulars, deliberations, etc.).
Difficulties increase because many countries are involved, with different legal traditions and a multitude of lists and registers as sources; indeed, the recent extension of the European Union to 25 Member States and the prospective of further expansion mean that the range of the study will become wider in the long term.
In a similar panorama, alongside the role of official European and national journals (whose updating goes to the disadvantage of semantic indexing of texts), and of data banks on regulations which are available on CD-ROM (the internal organisation of data to the end of research goes to the disadvantage of updating), it would seem that the role of Internet sources is central, even considering all the measures for caution which the means demands.
It is, indeed, ever more the case that national governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations are using the Web to spread information, sometimes in addition to or even in substitution of press releases. The result is greater access to documentation from public sources; it is for this reason that filters that are appropriate, relevant and pertinent to expectations should be placed on availability of information.
In this initial phase filters should be limited to lexical filters obtained from main Key words such a Web and Internet, variously combined with Digitalisation, Accessibility, Quality, Usability and Public (in the various languages of the list). Nevertheless disparity are still strong among the different States for which that concerns chronological cover, availability of full texts or only references publications, semantic indexation of documents, as well as instruments, modality and research tools. Moreover monolinguism of many official websites still persist. In this inventory titles of documents are expressed in the official language of the different countries and the limits of publication ( where they are available) follow quoted or even classified ways. It has been opt for English language only in the cases in which the procured documents on internet would presented already in this form on the official site of the spreader entity. English language recurs in the inventory, also each time an entity places it to its official denomination or to the documents which it enacts or where are links in the official English version in the mentioned documents.
All this considerations influence the organization of the quotations in the inventory.
Anyway many efforts have been devoted to render the vast amount of the different collected data more possibly coherent, pointing out for each document minimal elements of identification; the inevitable heterogeneity are motivated by the exigence to favour consultation ageless compared to an uniformity which would risk not to take into account the singles local reality.


2. European Regulation


Decision No 2256/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 adopting a multiannual programme (2003-2005) for the monitoring of the eEurope 2005 action plan, dissemination of good practices and the improvement of network and information security (MODINIS)
(Text with SEE relevance)
« Official Journal », n. L 336 of 23/12/2003, p. 0001-0005

Council Resolution of 18 February 2003 on the implementation of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan 2003/C 48/02
« Official Journal » n. C 048 of 28/02/2003, p. 0002-0009



Council Resolution on 6 February 2003
“eAccessibility” – Improving the access of people with disabilities
to the knowledge based society
2003/C 39/03
« Official Journal » n. C 039 of 18/02/2003, p. 0005-0007


Council Resolution of 25 March 2002
on the eEurope Action Plan 2002
Accessibility of public Websites and their content
2002/C 86/02
« Official Journal », n. C 086 of 10/04/2002, p. 0002-0003


Council Resolution of 21 January 2002
On culture and the knoledge society
2002/C 32/01
« Official Journal », n. C 032 of 05/02/2002, p. 0001-0001

Council Resolution of 8 October 2001
"e-Inclusion" - exploiting the opportunities of the
information society for social inclusion
2001/C 292/02
« Official Journal», 18 October 2001, n. C 292/6


Council Decision of 22 December 2000 ,adopting a multi-annual Community programme to stimulate the development and use of European digital content on the global networks and to promote linguistic diversity in the information society
« Official Journal », n. L 014 of 18/01/2001, p. 0032-0040


Documents of public interest

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on eEurope 2003 Final Report"
COM(2003) 66 final
« Official Journal », n. C 220 of 16/09/2003, p. 0036-0038

Common Position (EC) n. 39/2003 of 26 May 2003 adopted by the Council,
acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty establishing the European Community, with a view to adopting a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council adopting a multi-annual programme (2003 to 2005) for the monitoring of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan, dissemination of good practices and the improvement of network and information security (MODINIS)
(Text with SEE relevance)
2003/C 159 E/02
« Official Journal » n. C 159 E del 08/07/2003, p. 0011-0017

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the "Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council adopting a multi-annual programme (2004-2006) for the effective integration
of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
in education and training systems in Europe (eLearning Programme)"
COM(2002) 751 final
« Official Journal », n. C 133 of 06/06/2003, p. 0033-0037

Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions eEurope 2002: creating a EU framework for the exploitation of public sector information, and the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the re-use and commercial exploitation of public sector documents.
2003/C 73/10
« Official Journal », n. C 073 of 26/03/2003, p. 0038-0040

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a multi-annual programme (2003-2005) for the monitoring of eEurope, dissemination of good practices and the improvement of network
and information security (MODINIS)
(COM(2002) 425 final - 2002/0187 (CNS))
« Official Journal », n. C 061 of14/03/2003, p. 0184-0187

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
eEurope 2002 Final Report
COM/2003/0066 final


eEurope 2002 benchmarking – I giovani d’Europa nell’era digitale
Commission Staff Working Paper
Bruxelles, 20.01.2003
[ cancel and substitute pages 2, 7, 22, 24 e 25 di SEC(2001)1583
of 2 October 2001]

Related document

eEurope 2002 benchmarking – I giovani d’Europa nell’era digitale
Commission Staff Working Paper
SEC(2001) 1583

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
eEurope 2002: Quality Criteria for Health related Websites
Bruxelles, 29.11.2002
COM/2002/0667 final


Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a multi-annual programme (2003-2005) for the monitoring of eEurope, dissemination of good practices and the improvement of network and information security (MODINIS)
COM/2002/0425 final - CNS 2002/0187
« Official Journal », n. C 291 E of 26/11/2002, p. 0243-0249

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - eEurope 2005: Benchmarking Indicators
( text with SEE relevance)
COM/2002/0655 final


Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
eEurope 2005: An information society for all - An Action Plan to be presented in view of the Sevilla European Council
COM/2002/0263 final


Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on eEurope 2002:
Accessibility of Public Web Sites and their Content
2002/C 94/04
« Official Journal », n. C 094 of 18/04/2002, p. 0009-0013

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
eEurope Benchmarking Report - eEurope 2002
Bruxelles, 05.02.2002
. COM/2002/0062 final


Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions eEurope 2002: creating a eu framework for the exploitation of public sector information
Bruxelles, 23.10.2001
COM/2001/0607 final


Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of Regions
eEurope 2002: Accessibility of Public Web Sites and their Content
COM/2001/0529 final

Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee on eEurope 2002
An information society for all .Draft Action Plan
2001/C 123/08
« Official Journal », n. C 123 of 25/04/2001, p. 0036-0046

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament
eEurope 2002- Impact and Priorities
Communication to the Spring European Council in Stockholm
(Stockholm, 23-24.03.2001)
COM/2001/0140 final


Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament
Aggiornamento in merito all’ iniziativa eEurope 2002
elaborated by the European Commission for the European Council in Nice


Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament
20eEurope 2002 - An Information society for all
Draft Action Plan prepared by the European Commission for the European Council in Feira
Bruxelles, 24.05.2000
COM/2000/0330 final

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
Towards a barrier free Europe for people with disabilities
Bruxelles, 12.05.2000
COM/2000/0284 final


Commission of the European Communities
eEurope - An Information Society for all - Progress report for the Special European Council on Employment, Economic reforms and social cohesion towards a Europe based on innovation and knowledge. Communication related to a Commission initiative for the extraordinary European Council in Lisbon ( 23-24.03.2000 )
Bruxelles, 14.03.2000
COM/2000/0130 final


Communication from the Commission - Strategies for jobs in the Information Society
COM/2000/0048 final


Other documents:

Mr Erkki Liikanen Member of the European Commission intervention at
European IT Forum 2001
"What did the burst of the bubble do to eEurope?
Munich, 18.09.2001

Common list of basic public services as agreed by the Internal Market Council
Marzo 2001

Note of French Presidency to the European Council
Contributions des ètats membres

European Council, French Presidency Report
Bilan des actions menées par la Présidence pour la mise en oeuvre
du Plan d’action eEurope

Note of French Presidency to the European Council
Liste des indicateurs d’étalonnage pour le plan d’action eEurope


European Union « Official Journal »

  • Edizione in lingua italiana. Legislazione, Lussemburgo:
    European Union Official Publications Office 2003-
  • Edizione in lingua italiana. Comunicazioni ed informazioni,
    Luxemburg: European Union Official Publications Office 2003-
  • Edizione in lingua italiana. Supplemento, Lussemburgo:
    European Union Official Publications Office 2003-

To be continue from:
European Communities « Official Journal ».

  • Edizione in lingua italiana. Legislazione, Lussemburgo: Servizi pubblicazioni delle Comunità Europee, 1958-
  • Edizione in lingua italiana. Comunicazioni ed informazioni,
    Lussemburgo: Servizi pubblicazioni delle Comunità Europee, 1968-
  • Edizione in lingua italiana. Supplemento, Lussemburgo: Servizi pubblicazioni delle Comunità Europee, 1978-
  • European Report, Luxemburg: European Communities
    publications services 1986 -

To be continue from:
« European Communities Report: Coal and Steal European Community,
European Economic Community
Atomic Energy European Community »

Web sources

European Union Portal

In particular:
Eur-Lex data bank – European Legislation
Celex data bank


3. Member state rules


Strategies and projects

Stabsstelle IKT-Strategie des Bundes [Chief Information Office]
e-Government strategien
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Posch
Wien, 14-16.09.02
Teil I (Online Verfahren)
Teil II (Verfahren und Methoden innerhalb der Bundesverwaltung)

Bericht über die Umsetzung der WAI1-Leitlinien in Österreich
Stand: 2. Quartal 2002
Mag. Birgit Wilder
Wien, 19.06.02

Wirtschaftliche KoordinationAktionsplan eEurope 2002, Maßnahmenkatalog
Umsetzung in Österreich, Stand: 1.03.2002

Related documents:
Der Aktionsplan eEurope 2002 kann unter
[abgerufen werden]

Projektschwerpunkt eCulture [Project Focus eCulture]


Bundesegesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, 1945-

To be continue from:
Gesetzblatt für Das Land Österreich

Web sources

österreichischen Parlament

<http://www.austria.gv.at/e/> [English version]

Stabsstelle IKT-Strategie des Bundes (Chief Information Office)

eFit (Portal for information and commnunication technologies development)
In particular: <http://www.efit.at/eculture/>


Flemish Community

eFl@nders-Digital Action Plan
[Flemish government programme wishes to join the objectives of the eEurope European Programme, but wants to go further and more in to details]

e-Government in Flanders-Vision and electronic services towards citizens
[Flemish government programme wants to create an integrated government portal, through which all citizens, companies, organizations, institutions and associations can communicate in confidence with an interactive government ]

Cultuur digitaal [Digitisation of culture in Flanders]
[ Internet pages prepared by the Cultural Ministry sector of Flemish Community to illustrate the works in progress for digitisation of cultural heritage and to exchange information on programmes and policies between the member states, according to Lund principles of 4 April 2001]

Vlaams Fonds voor Sociale Integratie van Personen met een Handicap
[The Flemish Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons]
[for Websites accessibility ]

Action BlindSurfer
[Iniziative, result of the collaboration of a private citizen, Rudi Canters,
with Belgium organizations Blindenzorg Licht en Liefde e ONA (Oeuvre Nationale des Aveugles), undertaken in 2000 and supported by the Flemish Ministry of Welfare, Health,
Equal Opportunities and Cooperation. to development.
Since 28 April 2003 BlindSurfer is member of the EuroAccessibility Consortium. He promotes various projects such as BlindSurferLabel, a quality label (made of a logo and of the inscription “BlindSurfer”) which garantees to visually handicapped persons that the Website is easily accessible for them. Sites authorized to show the logo are those that trough a constant monitoring demonstrate to agree to the directives on accessibility ]



Guidelines for the corporate and technical standards of the Ministry
of the Flemish Community in Intranet and Internet sites
[ The purpose of the corporate identity of the Ministry of the Flemish Community is to create Websites whose stucture is uniform and thematic, instead of being an exact copy of the organisational structure. Similar guidelines have been formulated specifically for the Intranet and Internet sites of the department of Welfare, Health and Culture administration belongs. Conventions are also made within the Ministry of the Flemish Community concerning technical standards to adopt. I]

Accessibility for disabled to Websites of the Ministry
of the Flemish Community
[A checklist with basic recommendations to improve the accessibility of their websites for visually handicapped persons]

French Community

Cadre Qualité Bruxelles [The Brussels Quality Framework]
[Workgroup aiming at the setting up of baselines for a shared vision of criteria of quality for cultural Websites. It will product a desciptive framework of the definition of the concept of quality in terms of objective and measurable criteria.]

Wall-On-Line: l’e-gouvernement wallon
[E-government portal with a section dedicated to Websites accessibility themes ]


Related documents:

Région Wallonne
Les mesures concrètes prises par la Ragion wallonne en matière d'accessibilité
Béatrice van Bastelaer
Charleroi, 26 september 2003

Circulaire du Ministre-Président
Règles relatives aux sites Web de la Région wallonne et à leur accessibilité – Règles relatives aux formulaires intelligents
Jambes, 16 juin 2003

Charte graphique Web de la Région wallonne
[Guide for the realization and recognizability of the sites created by Region, not yet officially validated by the Wallon Government]


Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad, 1839-

Recueil des lois, décretés et arretes/Verzameling der wetten,
decreten en besluiten, 1973- . Bruxelles: Moniteur Belge

Web sources

Chambre des Représentants de Belgique / Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers van België

Sénat de Belgique / Belgische Senaat

Portail fédéral / Federale Portaalsite

Moniteur Belge

Service public fédéral Justice

Services publics de l'administration de la Communauté française

Vlaanderen – Portail (Portale della Comunità fiamminga)

Portale per l'e-government nella Comunità fiamminga

Carrefour de la Région Wallonne

Wallex, la base de données juridiques de la Région wallonne

Blindenzor Licht en Liefde

Vlaams Fonds voor Sociale Integratie van Personen met een Handicap (Flemish Fund for the social integration of disabled people)


Hjemmesider tilgængelighed. Statens retningslinger
for offentlige hjemmesiders og netsteders tilgængelighed
Statens Information, 2000
Version 1.1-10.12.2000
[Websites accessibility Guidelines]

Forskingsministeriet [Ministry of Research and Information Technology]
Realigning to the network society
Report to the Folketing
Version 1.0-17.01.2000
[Report presented to Danish Parliament in December 1999. It includes special initiatives to increase the homepages quality standard. of public authorities through a continuous monitoring of quality and accessibility for people with disabilities. This initiative, “Bedst på Nettet” (Best on the Net) is in process of being realized]

Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling
Det Digitale Danmark-omstilling til netværkssamfundet-Hovedrapport
ISBN: 87-90850-83-1
ISBN (Internet): 87-90850-87-4
[Report presented by Danish Government ;it underlines the importance of the development of an accesible Web design, with particular references to disabled people]
[illustrative form]


Hjemmesiders tilgængelighed. Statens retningslinier for hjememsider
og net-steder til brugere med funktionsnedsættelser
Statens Information, 1999
Version 1.0.-01.10.1999
ISBN: 87-601-8470-1
[Websites accessibility Guidelines]

Offentlige hjemmesiders tilgængelighed. En undersøgelse
af 144 offentlige hjemmesiders tilgængelighed for handicappede
Center for Ligebehandling af Handicappede
Version 1-07.12.1998
ISBN: 87-90346-18-1

Related documents:

Det Digitale Danmark-omstilling til netværkssamfundet-Bilagsrapport
ISBN (Internet): 87-90850-85-8
[illustrative form]



Lovtidende for Kongeriget Danmark, 1871-
Ministerialtidende for Kongeriget Danmark, 1798- . København: J.H. Schultz,1798-
Lovtidenden, [c.n.v.].

Web sources

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Denmark's official Web site
<http://www.denmark.dk> [English version]

Folketinget (Parlamento)
<http://www.ft.dk/?/samling/20021/MENU/00000005.htm> [English version]

Ministeriet for Videnskab Teknologi og Udvikling

Ministeriet for Videnskab Teknologi og Udvikling-IT- og Telestyrelsen (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation –National Agency for IT and Telecommunications )
<http://www.itst.dk/mainpage.asp> [English version]

Ministeriet for Videnskab Teknologi og Udvikling – Project Det digitale Denmark

Center for Ligebehandling af Handicappede (The Equal Opportunities
Centre for Disabled Persons)

Det Centrale Handicapråd (Danish Disability Council)
<http://www.dch.dk/english/index.htm> [English version]


Sisäasianministeriö [Ministry of the Interior]
Julkisen hallinnon tietohallinnon neuvottelukunta, JUHTA
Laatua Verkkoon. Julkisten verkkopalvelujen laatu- ja arviointikriteerit
[High quality Web services. Quality and assessment criteria concerning public Web services, by the Advisory Committee on Information Management in Public Administration, JUHTA ]
ISBN 951-804-351-5
ISSN 0788-6322


Julkisen hallinnon tietohallinnon neuvottelukunta, JUHTA
[Advisory Committee on Information Management in Public Administration]
Julkishallinnon www-sivuston suunnittelun ohjeet [Guidelines for designing websites]
jhs 129 [JUHTA Recommendations for the public administration]
Voimassaoloaika: Toistaiseksi


Sisäasianministeriö [Ministry of the Interior]
Development programme 2002-2005 for electronic services in the Ministry's administrative sector
[The Programme aims to render accessible to Web citizens a significant part of services produced by ministerial administration , starting from 2005]

Action programme 2002-2003 for e-Government
[introduced on January 2002]

Development Project for e-Government JUNA
[Developed by Ministry of the Interior between 1999 and 2001.Its principals results have been presented in a Final Report. Developted projects have been transferred to the Public Administration Development Unit, which started working on 1 January 2002 . A relevant part of the project has been included in the Action Programme 2002-2003 for e-Government. The Programme has been prearranged by the sub-Commettee for e-government presided by MP Jouni Backman]


Virallinen lehti, 1917- . Helsinki, 1917-
[«Official Journal», published in 1857, with other titles]

Web sources

Suomen Tasavallan Presidentti: (Republic Presidency)
<http://www.tpk.fi/english/> [English version]

Eduskunta (Parliament)

Link to data banks of Parliament Library
[English version]

Sisäasianministeriö-Julkisen hallinnon tietohallinnon neuvottelukunta, JUHTA (Ministero dell'Interno-Advisory Committee on Information Management
in Public Administration)

eFinland ( e-government and e-business Finland Portal)


Regulations and circulars

Premier Ministre
Circulaire du 12 septembre 2003, relative au développement de l'administration électronique
NOR: PRMX0306850C
«Journal Officiel» n° 216 du 18 septembre 2003 p. 16006

Premier Ministre
Circulaire du 4 décembre 2002 relative à la mise en œuvre de la deuxième version du cadre commun d'interopérabilité des systèmes d'information publics
[commun aux administrations de l'Etat]
NOR: PRMX0205357C
«Journal Officiel» n° 30 du 5 février 2002, p. 2335


Premier ministre
Circulaire du 21 janvier 2002 relative à la mise en oeuvre d'un cadre commun d'interopérabilité pour les échanges et la compatibilité des systèmes d'information des administrations
NOR: PRMX0205357C
«Journal Officiel» n° 30 du 5 février 2002, p. 2335


Agence pour le Développement de l'Administration électronique (ADAE)
Circulaire du 12 septembre 2003 relative au développement de l'administration électronique
NOR: PRMX0306850C
«Journal Officiel» n° 216 du 18 septembre 2003, p. 16006

Premier Ministre
Décret n° 2002-1064 du 7 août 2002 relatif au service public de la diffusion
du droit par l'Internet
NOR: PRMX0205836D
«Journal Officiel» n° 185 du 9 août 2002, p. 13655

Premier Ministre
Décret n° 2000-1167 du 1er décembre 2000 portant création d'une mission interministérielle pour l'accès public à la micro-informatique, à l'Internet
et au multimédia
NOR: PRMX0004525D
«Journal Officiel» n. 280 du 3 Décembre 2000 p. 19213




Related documents:

Premier Ministre
Décret no 2001-570 du 2 juillet 2001 relatif à l'attribution d'une indemnité au président de la mission interministérielle pour l'accès public à la micro-informatique, à l'Internet et au multimédia
NOR: PRMX0104924D
«Journal Officiel» n° 152 du 3 juillet 2001, p. 10607

Premier Ministre
Arrêté du 3 juillet 2001 fixant le montant de l'indemnité allouée au président
de la mission interministérielle pour l'accès public à la micro-informatique,
à l'Internet et au multimédia
NOR: PRMX0104925A
«Journal Officiel» n° 154 du 5 juillet 2001, p. 10734


Premier Ministre
Circulaire du 31 décembre 1999 relative à l'aide aux démarches administratives
sur l'Internet
NOR: PRMX0003923C
«Journal Officiel» n° 5 du 7 janvier 2000, p. 279

Premier Ministre
Circulaire du 7 octobre 1999 relative aux sites Internet des services et des établissements publics de l'Etat
NOR: PRMX9903708C
«Journal Officiel» n° 237 du 12 octobre 1999, p. 15167

Premier Ministre
Décret n° 99-68 du 2 février 1999 relatif à la mise en ligne des formulaires administratifs
NOR: PRMX9903385D
«Journal Officiel» n° 29 du 4 février 1999 p. 1775

Reports, frameworks and other documents:

Les Actes de la première Journée de l'Interopérabilité
27 November 2002

Agence pour le Développement de l'Administration électronique (ADAE)
Cadre commun d'interopérabilité des systèmes d'information publics (CCI)
Dossier d'introduction
Version 2.1
September 2003

Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'Industrie
Government on line
Country Report
Par Michel De Rocca
Paris, June 2002

Related documents:

The Government OnLine International Network

Ministère de la fonction publique et de la réforme de l'Etat
Remise du livre blanc Protection des données personnelles
et administration électronique
Dossier de presse
26 février 2002

Related documents:

Discours de Michel Sapin, Ministre de la Fonction publique et de la reforme de l'état, prononcé à l'occasion de la remise du rapport
Protection des données personnelles et administration électronique
Mardi 26 février 2002

La diffusion numérique du patrimoine, dimension de la politique culturelle
Rapport de M. Bruno Ory-Lavollée à M.me la ministre de la culture et de la communication
Janvier 2002

Agence pour les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication
dans l'Administration (ATICA)
L'accessibilité vue par Visual Friendly
6 décembre 2001

Comité de rédaction Internet du Ministère de la Culture
Date de création: lundi 7 février 2000

Agence pour le Développement de l'Administration Électronique (ADAE)
Accessibilité des services Internet. Appel à commentaires-référentiel


«Journal officiel de la République Française». Édition des lois et décrets, 1976- . Paris: Journaux officiel, 1976-

«Journal officiel de la République Française». Table alphabétique du journal officiel, Table chronologique des textes d'interêt general…, 1946-

Recueil des principales lois d'interêt général deliberées par la Chambre des Députés….[poi Assemblée Nationale] devenues definitives depuis le 1er janvier 1898- . Paris: Impr. de la Chambre des Députés, Motteroz, 1898-

Web sources

Assemblée Nationale


Le service public de la diffusion du droit

La documentation française

Vie publique, le site d'information de la Documentation française

Ministère de Culture et Communication
In particolare <http://www.portail.culture.fr/>

Ministère de la Justice

Ministère de la fonction publique et de la réforme de l'Etat

Admi-net – Cyberdocumentation center main portal

Autorités administratives indépendantes:

Commission Nationale Informatique Libertés (CNIL)

Commission d'accès aux documents administratifs (CADA)

Autorité de régulation des télécommunications (ART)

Agence pour les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans l'Administration (ATICA)

Agence pour le Développement de l'Administration électronique (ADAE)


BSI-Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
E-Government-Handbuch [E-Government Manual]
Einleitung und Übersicht
Redaktion: Projektgruppe E-Government im Bundesamt für Sicherheit
in der Informationstechnik
2002-2003 (work in progress)

<http://www.bsi.bund.de/fachthem/egov/6_en.htm> [english version only online]


<http://www.bsi.bund.de/fachthem/egov/download/0_Einlei.pdf> [version pdf]

Gesetz zur Gleichstellung behinderter Menschen und zur Änderung
anderer Gesetze
Verkündet in BGBl I 2002 Nr. 28 vom 30.4.2002




Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für die Belange behinderter Menschen
Begründung zum Gleichstellungsgesetz
[On equal opportunities for disabled people]


Internet für alle
Aktionsprogramms 2000


Related documents:

Internet for All-Ten Steps on the Path to the Information Society


Bundesgezetzblatt, 1949-

Web sources




Bundesanzeiger Verlag-Das Bundesgesetzblatt online
(online «Official Journal »)

Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik

Forum Informationgesellschaft

Programme“Moderner Staat-Moderne Verwaltung
[Modern State-Modern Administration]”

Medien-und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg (MFG)


Minister for Justice Equality and Law Reform
An Bille Um Mi´Chumas, 2001. Disability Bill, 2001
Number 68 of 2001
Presented: 19 December 2001


Equal Status Act
In: Legislative Information-An tOireachtas. Acts of the Oireachtas
Number 8 of 2000
[26th April, 2000]

Department of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister), Information Society Policy Unit
New Connections. A strategy to realise the potential
of the Information Society
Government Action Plan
March 2002

Department of Health, Midwestern Health Board
Recommended Guidelines for Public Sector Organisations
Report of the Interdepartmental Group
October 1999
ISBN 0-7076-6275-3

Department of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister)
Implementing the Information Society in Ireland: an Action Plan
(PN 6727)
January 1999

ISC Reports

Information Society Commission (ISC), Department of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister)
eGovernment Working Group
eGovernment. More than an automation of government services
October 2003

eInclusion: expanding the Information Society in Ireland
Report to the Information Society Commission
Dr. Susan O'Donnell Itech Research
Helen McQuillan Ennis Information Age Services
Dr. Anna Malina Itech Research
September 2003-October 2003

Information Society Commission (ISC), Department of the Taoiseach
(Prime Minister)
Building the Knowledge Society
Report to Government
December 2002


Iris oifigiúil/official gazette, 1923 [?]- . Dublin: Stationery Office, 1923-

Irish Statute Book, 1922-2001. Dublin: Stationery Office

Irish current law statutes annotated, 1984- . London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1984-.

Achtanna an Oireachtais mar a Fógraíodh iad/Acts of the Oireachtas as promulgated, 1980- . Dublin: Stationery Office, 1982-

Statutory instruments/Eire. Ionstraim i reachtula, 1922- . Dublin: Stationery Office, 1922-

Irish Supreme Court Decisions, [?]-

Irish High Court Decision, 1933 [?]-

Web sources

<http://www.irlgov.ie/>, <http://www.irlgov.ie/oireachtas/frame.htm>

Government of Ireland

British and Irish Legal Information Institute. Access to Freely Available
British and Irish Public Legal Information

Irish Legal Information Initiative, run by UCC Law Faculty in contribution to BAILII

University College Cork Law Department, Faculty, Irish Law Site

National Disability Authority

Information Society Commission, Department of the Taoiseach

Department of Health-Midwestern Health Board


State laws

Law n. 4 of 9 January 2004
Disposizioni per favorire l’accesso dei soggetti disabili
agli strumenti informatici
«Official Journal », n. 13 of 17-1-2004

Related documents:

Illustrative form

Press release of 17 December 2003

Schema del Regolamento di attuazione della legge Stanca

Ministerial Decree of 8 July 2005
Requisiti tecnici e i diversi livelli per l'accessibilità agli strumenti informatici (Regole tecniche)

Regional and local legislation


Trento’s province
Provincial Law n. 8 of 10.09.2003
Disposizioni per l’attuazione delle politiche a favore
delle persone in situazione di handicap
« Official Report of Trentino-Alto Adige region »,
n. 38 of 28 September 2003
[ART. 23 (Websites accessibility)
Province ‘sWebsites , of its functional bodies and of controlled or participated societies , are projected to be accessible to disabled citizens, guaranteeing the minimal level conformity to guidelines at international level in the ambit of the initiative for accessible web of the Word Web Consortium(W3C)
2. Website accessibility is considered as property of digital systems of being usable without any discriminations caused by disability; in this sense an accessible website can be visited by any users
indipendently from computer, rapidity to connection, browser, user interface or alternative peripherals . Contents and presentations must be always indipendent each one from the other.
3. Sites and info-telematic services development from subjects of whom at comma 1 must guarantee the possibility to visualize and to interact with contents for disabled citizen; in particular the application of the recommendations defined by Word Web Consortium(W3C) must be guaranteed.

Tuscan Region
Regional law n. 43 of 20.12.2002
Financial law for 2003
« Tuscan Region Official Report » n. 33 of 30 December 2002 –
special support
[ART. 15 ( strengthening of telematic structures “e. toscana”)
The intervention aims to:
a) promote and support the diffusion and the realization of a broadband Tuscan infrastructure open to interconnection with networks of private operators;
b) promote and support the realization of telematic services in order to simplify public action advantaging public and private subjects also trough the participation of social and economics representations.
c) contribute to the diffusion of network use, supporting the services demand from
public and private subjects.
ARTICLE 16 (strengthening of telematic structures “Portale della Toscana ”)
The local intervention aims to:
a) exploit and promote institutional, economic, cultural and social resources of the region at the international level organizing them into system.
b) simplify and accelerate access to information and services to citizens, companies, bodies and other public and private subjects.
2.the actions plan of whom at comma 1 it individualizes the conditions to realize the same interventions]

Calabria Region
Regional law n. 17 of 03.05.2001
Interventi a sostegno di iniziative infrastrutturali ed imprenditoriali per lo sviluppo della New Economy in Calabria
« Official Report of Calabria region», n. 42 of 10 May 2001

Circulars, directives, guidelines

Council of Ministers Presidency. Innovation and Tecnology Department
Directive of 18 December 2003
Linee guida in material di digitalizzazione dell’amministrazione
per l’anno 2004
«Official Journal», n. 28 of 4 February 2004

Related documents:

Linee guida digitalizzazione P.A. per il 2004

Council of Ministers Presidency. Innovation and Tecnology Department .
Directive of 20 December 2002 [for 2003]
Linee guida in materia di digitalizzazione dell'amministrazione
«Gazzetta ufficiale», Serie generale n. 52 del 4 marzo 2003


Council of Ministers Presidency
Directive of 8 November 2002
Indirizzi per la programmazione strategica e la predisposizione
delle direttive generali dei Ministri per l'attività amministrativa
e la gestione per l'anno 2003
«Official Journal», n. 2 of 3 January 2003

Council of Ministers Presidency. Innovation and Tecnology Department
Directive of 21 December 2001 [ for 2002]
Linee guida in materia di digitalizazione dell’amministrazione

Council of Ministers Presidency. Innovation and Tecnology Department
Directive of 19 December 2003
Sviluppo ed utilizzazione dei programmi informatici da parte
delle pubbliche amministrazioni
«Official Journal», n. 31 of 7 March 2004

Council of Ministers Presidency
Directive of 30 May 2002
Conoscenza ed uso del dominio internet “.gov.it”ed efficace interazione
del portale nazionale “italia.gov.it”con le pubbliche amministrazioni
e le loro diramazioni territoriali.
«Official Journal», n. 161 of 11 July 2002

Council of Ministers Presidency
Linee guida del Governo per lo sviluppo della Società dell’Informazione
nella legislatura
Enacted on 25.06.02
[ They fix ten objectives for the digitalization of statal administrations to realize
during the legislature ]


Related documents

Ministers Committee for the Informatic Society
10 obiettivi di legislatura per la digitalizzazione dell’amministrazione
Dossier-Reunion of 13 February 2002

Computer Science Authority in the Public Administration (AIPA)
Circular of 6 September 2001, n. AIPA/CR/32
Criteri e strumenti per migliorare l’accessibilità dei siti Web
e delle applicazioni informatiche a persone disabili.
«Official Journal», n. 214 of 14 September 2001


Council of Ministers Presidency. Public Function Department
Circular 13 March 2001, n. 3
Linee guida per l’organizzazione,l’usabilità e l’accessibilità dei siti web delle
Pubbliche amministrazioni
«Official Journal», n. 65 of 19 March 2001

Reports and other documents:

Minister of Innovation and Tecnology
2003: un anno di innovazione tecnologica
December 2003

Minister of Innovation and Tecnology Research Office
Rapporto innovazione e tecnologie digitali in Italia
10 October 2003

Related documents:

Report Presentation by Minister Stanca

I progetti approvati dal Comitato dei ministri per la società dell'informazione
18 March 2003

Council of Ministers Presidency. Innovation and Tecnology Department
Tecnologie per la disabilità: una società senza esclusi
White Paper

Related documents:

Conference Tecnologies for disability: a society without escluded person
Chamber of Deputies, Cenacolo’s Room
Rome, 5 March 2003

Electromagnetic Waves Research Institute of the National Research Council (CNR – IROE)
Accessibilità di siti web. Problematiche reali e soluzioni tecniche
By Laura Burzagli and Paolo Graziani

Computer Science National Centre in the Public Administration (CNIPA)
Elementi per lo sviluppo di un modello di pubblica amministrazione digitale
By Michele Morciano, with Antonio Martino,
Andrea Micarelli, Renato Tasca collaboration.
[Contribution realized in the ambit of the Task Force E-Government For Development istituited
by Minister of Innovation and Tecnology
for the development of a digital public administration model ]



«Gazzetta ufficiale» della Repubblica Italiana. Parte seconda: Foglio delle inserzioni, 1946- . Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1946-
continua da:
«Gazzetta ufficiale», del Regno d'Italia. Parte seconda:
Foglio delle inserzioni

«Gazzetta ufficiale», della Repubblica Italiana. Parte prima: serie generale, 1986- . Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1986-
continua da:
«Gazzetta ufficiale», della Repubblica Italiana. Parte prima

«Gazzetta ufficiale», della Repubblica Italiana. Parte prima: serie speciale 1: Corte Costituzionale, 1986- . Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1986-

«Gazzetta ufficiale», della Repubblica Italiana. Parte prima: serie speciale 2: Comunità europee, 1986-2003

«Gazzetta ufficiale», della Repubblica Italiana. Parte prima: serie speciale 3: Regioni, 1986- . Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1986-

«Gazzetta ufficiale», della Repubblica italiana. Parte prima: serie speciale 2:
Unione europea, 2003- . Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2003-
To be continue:
«Gazzetta ufficiale», della Repubblica Italiana. Parte prima: serie speciale 2: Comunità europee

Raccolta ufficiale degli atti normativi della Repubblica Italiana, 1987- . Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1987-
To be continue:
Raccolta ufficiale delle leggi e dei decreti della Repubblica Italiana
Bollettini ufficiali regionali

Web sources

Italian Parliament

Chamber of Deputies

The Senat of the Italian Republic

Parliament data banks:

Local legislation data banks.

«Official Journal», (Guritel data banks )

Italian Government. Ministers Council Presidency
<http://www.governo.it> o http://www.palazzochigi.it>

Ministry of Innovation and Tecnology
<http://www.innovazione.gov.it/ita/index.shtml> o <http://www.dipartimentoinnovazione.it/>

Electromagnetic Waves Research Institute (IROE) of CNR

Independent Authorities:

Computer Science Authority in the Public Administration
then Computer Science National Centre in the public administration

Communication security Authority

Other data banks:

ITTIG ( Theory and Tecniques Institute of juridical information) databases-(former IDG- Juridical documentation Institute CNR):- DoGi



Comité “Présence Internet” du groupe de travail eGouvernment, présidé
par le Service Information et Presse du Gouvernment
Charte de normalisation de la présence sur Internet de l'Etat
Document adopté par la Commission nationale pour la Société de l'Information
en sa réunion du 30 mai 2002

Plan d'action eLuxembourg
26 janvier 2001
[integrato nel piano d'azione eEurope dell'Unione europea]

Related documents:

Le Tableau des Projets eLuxembourg
actualisé au 8 décembre 2003


Mémorial A: Recueil de législation, 1962- . Luxembourg: Lamort; Buck [etc.], 1962-
To be continue from:
Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Mémorial B: Recueil administratif ed économique, 1962- . Luxembourg: Lamort; Buck [etc.], 1962-
To be continue from:
Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Mémorial C: Recueil spécial des sociétés, 1962- . Luxembourg: Lamort; Buck [etc.], 1962-
To be continue from:
Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

Web sources

Chambre de Députés
In particular:

Legislative Portal:
In particular:


Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation

Mémorial. Journal Officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
B: Recueil administratif ed économique

Accessibility Working Group

Homepage de l'association luxembougeoise info-handicap

SocialNet Luxembourg

Portail luxembourgeois de l'innovatione et de la recherche

Programme d'action gouvernemental eLouxembourg


Cultural Policy in the Netherlands
[Descriptive Report of the administrative and political Duch system,
followed by an examination of the Duch cultural policy ]
Letter of the former State-Secretary Rick van der Ploeg to the Parliament
[About Duch policy for e-culture]

Culture as Confrontation
[Publication related to Duch cultural policy priorities from 2000 to 2004. Among the main themes, assume relief e-culture and the different aspects concerning enterprises and cultural promotion]


Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden [Bulletin of acts, orders and decrees], 21 Nov 1813- . ‘s Gravenhage [etc.]: Staatsdrukkerij en Uitgeverijbedrijf [etc.], 1813-
[see also: 1813-1815, Staatsblad der Nederlanden].

Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, 1951- . ‘s Gravenhage [etc.]: Staatsdrukkerij en Uitgeverijbedrijf [etc.], 1951-
[until 1951 see also Staatsblad]

Nederlandse staatcourant, 1 Jan 1813- . ‘s Gravenhage [etc.]: Staatsdrukkerij
en Uitgeverijbedrijf [etc.], 1814-
[see also: Nederlandsche staatscourant]

Systematisch register op Staatsblad en Staatcourant [Subject index
to the Bulletin of acts, orders and decrees and the Government gazette],
edited by H. A. van Zijl, 1973- . The Hague: Vuga, 1973-
continua da:
Zaaksgewijze klapper op het Staatsblad.

Web sources

Het Parlement

Eesrste Kamer der Staten Generaal

Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal

Overheid >Officiële Publicaties (Istitutional Portal with official pubblications data banks)

PARLANDO [official publications database]

Regering (Government Portal)
<http://www.government.nl/index.jsp> [English version]

Nederlandsche staatscourant

Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatie Autoriteit (OPTA)

Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid
(Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy-AWT)
<http://www.awt.nl/en/index.html> [English version]

Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur, Wetenschan (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science)


Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Unidade de Missão Inovação
e Conhecimento (UMIC)
Programa Nacional para a Participanção dos Cidadãos com Necessidades Especiais na Sociedade da Informação
Documento aprovado em Conselho de Ministros no dia 26 de Junho de 2003

Related documents:

Presidência do Conselho de Ministros
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 110/2003 (Rectificações)

Plano Nacional para a Participação dos Cidadãos com Necessidades
Especiais na Sociedade da Informação
Diário da República, n. 185, Série I-B, 12.08.2003
[Approva il Programa Nacional para a Participação dos Cidadãos com Necessidades Especiais na Sociedade da Informação]

Resolução de Conselho de Ministros n. 97/99
Acessibilidade dos sitios da administração publica na Internet pelos cidadãos com necessidades especiais
Diário da República, n. 199, Série I-B, 26.08.1999, p. 5829-5830


Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n. 96/99, de 26 de Agosto
Documento orientador da Iniciativa Nacional para os Cidadãos com Necessidades Especiais na Sociedade da Informação (INCNESI),
aprovada em 1999
Diário da República, n. 199, Série I-B, 26.08.99, p. 5822-5829

Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Unidade de Missão Inovação e Conhecimento (UMIC)
Uma Nova Dimensão de Oportunidades. Plano de Acção para
a Sociedade da Informação
Documento aprovado em Conselho de Ministros de 26 de Junho de 2003

Presidência do Conselho de Ministros
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 135/2002, de 20 de Novembro
Novo enquadramento institucional da actividade do Governo em matéria de sociedade da informação, governo electrónico e inovação
Diário da República, Série I-B, n. 268, de 20.11. 2002, p. 7298.

Despacho n. 12 029/2002 (2ª série)
Enquadramento legal do Programa ACESSO
Diário da República, II Série, n. 122, 27.05.2002, p. 9956

Other documents

VII Jornadas Sidar-Seminario de Iniciativas en Discapacidad y Accesibilidad a la Red
Mais Acessibilidade, Melhor Acessibilidade
Lisboa, 3, 4 e 5 de Novembro de 2003


Diário da República (I serie.), 10 Apr 1976-
Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda

Diário da República (II serie), 10 Apr 1976-
Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda

Diário da República (III serie), 10 Apr 1976-
Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda

Web sources

Assembleia da República

Portal do Governo

Portal da Administraçao Pública Portoguesa

Diário da República electrònico
[old link: <http://www.dr.incm.pt/dr/>]

Presidencia do Conselho de Ministros-Unidade de Missão Inovação
e Conhecimento

Secretariado Nacional para a Reabilitação e Integração das Pessoas
com Deficiência (SNRIPD)

Programa Acesso

Centro de Engenharia de Rabilitação em Tecnologias de Informação
e Comunicação, servizio Acessibilidade



Regulation and State initiatives

Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales
Consejo de Ministros del 25 de julio de 2003

I Plan Nacional de accessibilidad 2004-2012

Jefatura del Estado
13758 Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la sociedad de la información
y de comercio
Boletín Oficial del Estado, núm. 166, p. 25388-25403

14482 Real decreto 1451/2000, de 28 de julio, por el que se desarrolla
la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología
Boletín Oficial del Estado, Sábado 29 julio 2000, núm. 181, p. 27320-27331

INFO XXI, La Sociedad de la Información para todos
Iniciativa del Gobierno para el desarrollo de la sociedad de la información, Comisión Interministerial de la Sociedad de la Información y de las Nuevas Tecnologías

Iniziative correlate:
Número de expediente 711/000088
Comparecencia de la Ministra de Ciencia y Tecnología, Excma. Sra. Dña.
Anna María Birulés Bertrán, a petición propia, para informar sobre el plan
de acción de la iniciativa para el desarrollo de la sociedad de la información

Info XXI: la sociedad de la información para todos
Comisión de la Sociedad de la Información y del Conocimiento.
Presidencia del Excma. Sra. Doña María Mercedes Coloma Pesquera
Sesión núm. 103 celebrada el jueves, 15 de marzo de 2001

Senado, Comisiones. Año 2001, VII Legislatura, núm. 103,
de 15.03.2001, p. 24

Internet para todos
[ Iniziative promoted by Ministry of Science and Tecnology for the INFO XXI Plan which has the objective to familiarize citizens to Internet. It aspire to encourage different actions to provide disable people of minimal skills to use internet .The initiative consist in giving courses of 15 hours lessons for 15 euro, trough teaching private centre spreaded in all country]

Draft Bill

Número de expediente 161/000508
Para facilitar el acceso de las personas mayores y con discapacidad
en el portal de Internet de la administración general del Estado
Presentada por el grupo parlamentario catalán (Convergencia i Unió)
Comisión de Ciencia y Tecnología.
Presidencia de la Excma. Sra. D.a Elena García-Alcañiz Calvo, Vicepresidentaprimera
Sesión núm. 11 celebrada el jueves, 15 de marzo de 2001

Cortes Generales, Diario de Sesiones del Congreso de los Diputados, Comisiones
Año 2001, VII Legislatura, Núm. 186, p. 5488-5490

Regulation and local initiative

Consejería de Presidencia de la Junta de la Andalucìa
Decreto 72/2003, de 18 marzo
Telecomunicación. Medidas de Impulso de la Sociedad del Conocimiento
en Andalucía
Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía, 21 marzo 2003, n. 55, p. 6024
[L’art. 3.5 assures the accessibility to all citizens, and specially to disabled or old people, to all informations and services available in the andaluciajunta.es portal with the necessary adaptations]

Diputació de Barcelona

Llibre d'estil per a l'accessibilitat dels continguts Web

Technical regulations

UNE 139801 EX:
Informática para la salud: aplicaciones informáticas para personas con discapacidad: requisitos de accesibilidad de las plataformas informáticas: soporte físico
Elaborada por el comité técnico AEN/CTN 139
Madrid, AENOR, 1998
12 p.; 30 cm.
Versión oficial de EN 12523, de enero de 1999. - “Norma española”.
-“Septiembre 1999”.
Biblioteca del CEAPAT

UNE 139802 EX:

Informática para la salud: aplicaciones informáticas para personas con discapacidad: requisitos de accesibilidad de las plataformas informáticas: soporte lógico
Elaborada por el comité técnico AEN/CTN 139
Madrid, AENOR, 1998
22 p.; 30 cm.
Norma española experimental. Enero 1998.
Biblioteca del CEAPAT

Other documents:

El libro blanco de la I+D+I al servicio de las personas con discapacidad
y de las personas mayores
Cristina Rodríguez-Porrero Miret, José Vidal García Alonso-Centro Estatal
de Autonomía Personal y Ayudas Técnicas, IMSERSO, Pedro Vera Luna,
Javier Sánchez-Lacuesta, Jaime Prat Pastor, Alejandro Corell Dolz
Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia

Diseño de páginas para una red accesible
Rafael Romero Zúnica
Presentado en las 1ª Jornadas sobre Comunicación Aumentativa y
Alternativa-ISAAC España en Vitoria, los días 9, 10 y 11 de septiembre de 1999.
[Are presented the different aspects which influence web accessibility
to disabled people]

Investigación sobre el uso de Internet por personas ciegas y
con deficiencia visual de habla hispana
Rafael Romero, Vicenta Ávila
Diputación de Barcelona en colaboración con Tiflonet, ASPACE [...]

Libro de estilo para la accesibilidad de los contenidos Web
[Handbook for web pages design accessible to all citizens]


Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), 1986-

Web sources

Congreso de los Diputados
Senado: <http://www.senado.es/>
In particolare:
<http://www.senado.es/basesdedatos/> e

Presidencia del Gobierno

Boletín Oficial del Estado
In particolare: Nuevo portal legislativo

Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología

Centro Estatal de Autonomía Personal y Ayudas Técnicas

Unidad de Investigación de la Universitat de València E.G.-ACCESO,
Accesibilidad a la Red

Observatorio de la Discapacidad del IMSERSO

Diputaciò de Barcelona


Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications, Sweden
Government Bill (1999/2000:86)
An information society for all
March 2000
[On the expansion of infrastructure in IT field , disabled people ] with reference to disabled people right to access to technological systems]

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
Government Bill (1999/2000:79)

From patient to citizen – a national action plan for disability policy
[To render IT systems accessible to disabled people and to utilise them in order to make more accessible others sectors of the society]
[Short version]

Related documents:

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
A more accessible Sweden
Factsheet no. 5, march 2000
[Synthesis of the principales Bill passages]

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

The Disability Ombudsman Act (1994: 749)
Issued: 9 June 1994.
Swedish Code of Statutes – SFS number 1994: 749
Including amendments: up to and including SFS 1999:143
<http://www.ho.se/showFile.asp?objectId=1896> [pdf]

Related documents:

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
The Disability Ombudsman Instructions Ordinance (1994: 949)
Issued: 9 June 1994

Swedish Code of Statutes – SFS number 1994:949
Including amendments: up to and including SFS 2000:1170
<http://www.ho.se/showFile.asp?objectId=1899> [doc]
<http://www.ho.se/showFile.asp?objectId=1900> [pdf]

Report on Government OnLine International Network

Sweden Web Services Country Report 02062003
Towards Web Services in the Swedish Public Administration
A June 2003 report prepared as a part of Sweden's participation in the
Web Services project of the Government OnLine International Network
prepared by Olov Ostberg
published by the Swedish Agency for Public Management
Web Services (GOLIN samarbetet)
Dnr 2000/319-5
Statskontoret-The Swedish Agency for Public Management

Public Governance

Country Report from Sweden for the GOL Portals Project
Olov Östberg
Government On-Line International Network

Related documents:

The Government OnLine International Network

Other documents:

Ministry of Finance Memorandum
The Swedish Government's Strategy on e-Government
April 2003

Ministry of Justice Memorandum
The Swedish Government's Strategy on e-Government

Statskontoret-The Swedish Agency for Public Management

Interconnected Government. A proposal for strengthening central co-ordination of e-government development efforts

Statskontoret-The Swedish Agency for Public Management

Building Government On Line in Sweden
Director General Knut Rexed

Law and Information Technology. Swedish Views
An anthology produced by the IT Law Observatory of the Swedish ICT Commission
Editor Peter Seipel
Information and Communication Technology Commission Report
Stockholm 2002

Swedish Government Official Reports SOU 2002:112


Sveriges Rikes lag. 1861- . Stockholm: Norsedt, 1861-

Web sources

Sveriges Riksdag (ParlIament)

Juridical databanks
<http://www.sweden.gov.se/legislation/index.htm> e


Regeringskansliet Narings-Deparetmentet

Regeringskansliet Social Departementet


Hjälpmedelsinstitutet (The Swedish Handicap Institute)

Statens-e-forum (Portal e-Forum)

United Kingdom

Electronic Communications Act 2000, Chapter c.7

Freedom of Information Act 2000, Chapter 36

Documenti correlati:

Annual report on bringing fully into force those provisions
of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which are not yet fully in force
November 2002
HC 6

Disability Rights Commission Act 1999, Chapter c.17

Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (c. 50), Chapter c. 50

Reports, frameworks and guidelines

UKonline Annual Report 2003

Office of the e-Envoy, Cabinet Office
Quality Framework for UK Government Website Design: Usability issues
for government Websites
July 2003

Office of the e-Envoy, Cabinet Office
Guidelines for UK government Websites (2001):
Framework for local government
June 2003

Illustrated Handbook for Web Management Teams
May 2002
Index1Article/fs/en?CONTENT_ID= 4001058&chk=5SPT0E>

Framework for senior managers

Office of the e-Envoy, Cabinet Office
e-Government: a strategic framework for public services
in the Information Age. A strategy for Information Age Government
April 2000

Office of the e-Envoy, Cabinet Office
Modernising Government. Framework for information age

Related documents:

Modernising Government. Presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister
and the Minister for the Cabinet Office by Command of Her Majesty
March 1999

Department of Health
Making It Accessible. Guidelines For All Resources, Groups For Special Needs, Further Information

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
Designing Websites for people with learning disabilities

Codes of practice

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Modern councils, modern services-Access for all
odpm_localgov/documents/pdf/odpm_ locgov_pdf_605195.pdf>


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information Age Government in Scotland. A common framework
May 2002


National Assembly for Wales
Code of practice on public access to information
Second edition (2001)


The London Gazette, 1665- . London: HMSO, 1665-

Statutes in force. Official revised edition. [1 Aug 1972?]- . London: HMSO, 1972-

Index to the Statutes in force, 1235- . London: HMSO. [published every two years]

The public general acts, 1866- . London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1866-

Chronological Table of Local Acts, 1797-2001. London: HMSO.

Chronological Table of Private and Personal Acts, 1539-2001. London: TSO.

Halsbury's statutes of England and Wales. Fourth edition, 1985- . London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1985-

Halsbury's statutes of England and Wales. Fourth edition. Destination tables, 1995- . London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1995-

Halsbury's laws of England, being a complete statement of the whole law
of England… Fourth edition, 1973- . London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1973-

Halsbury's laws of England. Cumulative supplement, 1978- . [Fourth edition]. London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1978-

Halsbury's laws of England. Current service, 1979- . [Fourth edition]. London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1979-

Halsbury's laws of England. Annual abridgement, 1974- . London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1974-

Halsbury's statutory instruments, being a companion work to Halsbury's statutes of England… 1951- . London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1951-

Statutory instruments, 1890- . London: HMSO, 1891-

Web sources

UK Parliament
House of Lords

House of Commons

United Kingdom Official Publications Database (UKOP)

Parliamentary Online Indexing Service (POLIS)

Bills Index Database

The Stationery Office (TSO)

Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO)-United Kingdom Legislation

Cabinet Office-Office of the e-envoy

Cabinet Office-Office of the e-envoy-UK Online

Cabinet Office-Office of the e-envoy-UK Office for Library & Information Networking (UKOLN)

Cabinet Office-Office of the e-envoy-UK govtalk

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Disability Rights Commission

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Disability

Department of Health

Information Commissioner


Scottish Government


The National Assembly for Wales


New article 5/A par. of the revised Constitution (2001)
[“Every person has the right to partecipate in the Information Society”. It ordines that the state has an obligation to facilitate access to electronically handled information as well as the production, exchange and dissemination of such information.]

Greece in the Information Society. Strategy and Actions
White Paper


Efemeris tes kiberneseos, [c.n.v.].

Web sources

Boulè tòn Ellènon (Parliament)
<http://www.parliament.gr/> [English version]

Portale per la Società dell'Informazione
<http://en.infosoc.gr/> [English version]

Ministry of Economy and Finance-Greek Initiative “Information Society-Greek Research and Technology Network
<http://www.grnet2.gr/index_en.html> [English version]


4. International documents

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
WAI Web Accessibility Iniziative

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
W3C Recommendation 05.05.1999

Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
W3C Note 06.11.2000

Core Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
W3C Note 06.11.2000

HTML Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
W3C Note 06.11.2000

CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
W3C Note 06.11.2000

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
W3C Recommendation 17.12.2002

Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
W3C Recommendation 03.02.2000

United Nations-International Telecommunication Union
WSIS World Summit on Information Society-Geneva 2003-Tunis 2005
Document WSIS-03/GENEVA/DOC/4-E
Declaration of Principles

Building the Information Society: a global challenge
in the new Millennium
Original: English

Document WSIS-03/GENEVA/DOC/5-E
Plan of Action 12.12.2003
Original: English

CIDOC Multimedia Working Group
Multimedia Evaluation Criteria
Revised Draft
Nuremberg, 08-10.09.1997

Information Gateways Handbook. Guide to creating high quality
portals on the Internet


EuroAccessibility Consortium
Working Rules

Copyright Minerva Project 2004-06, last revision 2004-09-02, edited by Minerva Editorial Board.
URL: www.minervaeurope.org/publications/qualitycriteria-i/indice0402/appendicequattro0402.htm