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University of Helsinki, Finland

Under the Ministry of Education, the appointed expert on benchmarking of digitisation programmes will be responsible for activities in Finland. Ms Majlis Bremer-Laamanen is Head of Preservation and Digitisation Services at Helsinki University Library, the National Library of Finland:

  • Helsinki University Library - the National Library of Finland serves as the national service and development unit for research libraries and is responsible for promoting library co-operation within the country and internationally. In its own field the library has responsibility for the maintenance of the collections of the cultural heritage of Finland and of other collections of national relevance as well as for the dissemination of information and the provision of information services based on these collections. The Library is developing procedures for the identification, description and long-term preservation of electronic resources. It is also developing methods for electronic publications and setting up an identification service for publishers. The Library has established a Centre for Preservation and Digitisation of the national cultural heritage. The Library works closely with the National Archives and other authorities.
  • The National Archives Service of Finland, with the National Archives as a central board, is entitled to supervise the records management of the state authorities and municipalities; for regional and local authorities these duties are maintained by the provincial archives. The National Archives is the repository for the records of permanent value of the government, central administrative boards and the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, whereas the provincial archives are repositories for the records of permanent value of the regional and local authorities.
  • National Board of Antiquities of Finland is responsible for preservation of Finland's material cultural heritage and for collecting, studying and distributing knowledge of it. It is a central governmental body charged with the protection of archaeological sites, built heritage, cultural-historically valuable environment and cultural property, in collaboration with other officials and museums. The Board is organised into three main sections. The Cultural Environment section is responsible for the protection, management, and study of archaeological sites and built heritage. Underwater heritage is in the care of the Maritime Museum of Finland. The Museums and Exhibitions section includes the National Museum of Finland, which exhibits, preserves, maintains, acquires and studies the national cultural historical collections. In addition to the National Museum, the section is in charge of fifteen other museums and two castles. The Development of Museum Activities section monitors the economic situation of Finnish museums, allocates discretionary state subsidies and compiles statistics on the museum sector. The National Board of Antiquities will partake in the work of the national secretariat of Finland, which co-ordinates the activities of the Finnish member in the Minerva project.

Copyright Minerva Project 2003-09, last revision 2003-09-05, edited by Minerva Editorial Board.
URL: www.minervaeurope.org.htm/partners/finland.htm
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