
Planning Kit for a Quality Site for Small and Medium Sized Museums

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The library

Where the museum contains a library, a section of the site should be dedicated to presenting the material conserved there and information on how to consult it. Not only paper documents but also other less traditional sources such as audio-visual, multimedia, digital etc. should be listed. The page should also state how to access the library, rules and regulations, opening times to the public and rules for distribution, borrowing and reference. It is important to highlight news acquisitions, meetings, courses and other new activities.

Through an Online Public Access Catalogue OPAC or other similar tool, various data bases can be consulted via the main functions listed here below:

  • Search and find works
  • Select various typologies
  • Locate and obtain results of search in various formats. (digital, complete electronic text, photographs etc.)

The museum library can consider the suitability of joining a National Library Service.

Online examples


© Minerva Project 2005-02, last revision 2006-03-27, edited by WP5, Committee for the development of a prototype of public cultural websites.
URL: www.minervaeurope/structure/workinggroups/userneeds/prototipo/protomuseo/percorsi/biblioteca_e.html