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National Policy Profile (NPP)


2 - Other bodies or organisations




MiBAC - Direzione Generale per i Beni Librari e gli Istituti Culturali

Web site


Person responsible

Francesco Sicilia (Direttore Generale)

Contact person (if different)

Luciano Scala; email scala@librari.beniculturali.it

Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

Libraries and cultural institutions

related policies


  • policy for libraries

related programmes


related projects


For the projects retained within the Sixth Framework
Programme see the OPIB Web site .



MiBAC - Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche - ICCU

Web site


Person responsible

Luciano Scala (director)

Contact person (if different)

Luciano Scala l.scala@iccu.sbn.it

Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

Set up with the task of cataloguing the whole of the national bibliographic heritage, the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information pursues this goal today thanks to a strategy of strong cooperation among Italian libraries coming under different administrations, to ensure that services of the same level are developed throughout the national territory. The outcome of this cooperation is the creation of the National Library Service (SBN) which is a network of national services including State, Regional, and University libraries contributing to the creation of the on-line collective national catalogue runned by ICCU.

The Institute, acts as coordinator of the National Library Service and of the cataloguing projects produced by using information technology.

ICCU promotes and coordinates national censuses of manuscripts, of 16th century Italian editions, and of Italian libraries with the aim of improving knowledge about our bibliographic collections and of simplifying access for users.

To support the cataloguing activity of libraries in Italy, ICCU is responsible for setting guidelines and for producing and disseminating standard cataloguing rules covering all types of materials ranging from manuscripts to multimedia documents.

related policies


  • policy for libraries

related programmes


related projects

Digitization, conservation and restoration of the negatives belonging to the Institute's photographic archive



MiBAC - Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro - ICPL

Web site


Person responsible

Armida Batori (director)

Contact person (if different)


Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

Research and technical co-ordination in the field of preservation and restoration of book heritage. Main topics: history and technology of book materials;biological, chemical and physical mechanisms involved in deterioration;environmental prevention and microclimate studies in libraries;non destructive analyses, non-invasive restoration techniques;development and diffusion of knowledge relating to book materials and their conservation. Specific teams are at work both for the evaluation of perspectives in digital media preservation and for the digitisation of the information on book conservation.

related policies


  • policy for cultural heritage preservation and restoration - book material
  • policy for the archives

related programmes


related projects

Digitization, conservation and restoration of the negatives belonging to the Institute's photographic archive



MiBAC - Direzione Generale per il patrimonio storico, artistico e demoetnoantropologico

Web site


Person responsible

Mario Serio (Direttore Generale)

Contact person (if different)


Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

Historical, artistic, ethnological and anthropological heritage and folklore

related policies


  • policy for artistic and historical heritage
  • policy for ethnological, anthropological and folkloric heritage

related programmes

Digitization of catalogues of historical, artistic, ethnological, anthropological and folkloric heritage

related projects

  • Risk map of cultural heriutage



MiBAC - Istituto centrale per il catalogo e la documentazione ICCD

Web site


Person responsible

Maria Rita Sanzi Di Mino (Direttore)

Contact person (if different)

Erminia Sciacchitano sciacchitano@iccd.beniculturali.it

Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

ICCD - (Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation - www.iccd.beniculturali.it) is the national institute charged with programming, planning and defining standards in the field of cataloguing the Italian cultural heritage, in particular the frontiers of the digitisation. Its web site, very rich in downloads, is an important tool of communication with users. L'ICCD coordinates cataloguing activities, through:

  • development of cataloguing methods;
  • arrangement of tools for data validation;
  • development and management of Sistema informativo generale del Catalogo (SIGEC - Information system of the Italian cultural assets catalogue);
  • participation in national and international cultural projects.

To guarantee the collection, elaboration and exchange of data at national level and the networking of the regional data banks with the National catalogue´s informative system, ICCD acts in close cooperation with Regional and Local Authorities, Universities, Research Institutes and Ecclesiastical Entities (CEI - Italian Episcopal Conference, Dioceses)

related policies


  • policy for cultural heritage cataloguing

related programmes


related projects


  • Information network of the artistic, archaeological and architectural heritage
  • Piazze storiche dell'Italia meridionale
  • Web Fototeca



MiBAC - Istituto centrale per il restauro ICR

Web site


Person responsible

Caterina Bon Valsassina (Direttore)

Contact person (if different)


Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

ICR (Central Institute for Restoration) is the body responsible for all activities of restoration. It carries out systematic investigations according to the influence of the various environmental factors, also on the means to prevent and inhibit the effects, the necessary investigations for the formulation of rules and of the relative specific techniques of restoration and conservation interventions. It also gives scientific and technical advice to the peripheral bodies of the Ministry and of the Regions and provides teaching of restoration (quadrennial diploma course in art restoration).

related policies


related programmes


related projects

Risk map of cultural heritage



MiBAC - Direzione generale per i beni architettonici e il paesaggio

Web site


Person responsible

Roberto Cecchi (Direttore Generale)

Contact person (if different)

Fabio Carapacchio f.carapacchio@bapbeniculturali.it

Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

Architectural heritage and landscape

related policies

policy for architectural heritage and landscape

related programmes


related projects

  • Risk map of cultural heritage



MBAC - Direzione Generale per l'Architettura e l'Arte contemporanea

Web site


Person responsible

Pio Baldi (Direttore Generale)

Contact person (if different)

Erilde Terenzoni; e.terenzoni@bapbeniculturali.it

Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

Contemporary architecture and arts

related policies

Policy for contemporary architecture and arts

related programmes


related projects

Digitization of outstanding architects´ private archives



MiBAC - Direzione Generale per i beni archeologici

Web site


Person responsible

Giuseppe Proietti

Contact person (if different)

Antonia P. Recchia (Resp. Servizio II documentazione@archeologia.beniculturali.it); Rosanna Binacchi (Servizio II)

Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

Documentation, preservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage, archaeological sites and museums

related policies

Policy for archaeological heritage

related programmes


related projects




MiBAC - Direzione Generale per gli archivi

Web site


Person responsible

Salvatore Italia (direttore generale)

Contact person (if different)

Maria Pia Rinaldi Mariani (resp. Servizio II, Archivi statali; docarch@archivi.beniculturali.it)

Description of responsability and interest, including sectors they cover

Governmental archives and records, documentary historical heritage.

related policies

Policy for archives

related programmes

Sistema archivistico nazionale

related projects


  • ARCHIVI - Sistema archivistico nazionale
  • SIUSA - Sistema informativo unificato delle Soprintendenze Archivistiche
  • Updated General Guide to State Archives


Copyright Minerva Project 2003-06, last revision 2003-09-02, edited by Minerva Editorial Board.
URL: www.minervaeurope.org/structure/nrg/npp/italy/others.htm
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