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University of Patras, Greece

"HPCLAB" is a traditional name given to the laboratory in 1990, since it consolidated the first in Greece activities and R&D projects in parallel computing. These were carried out in Patras since 1984 and included research, the first courses in parallel computing in Greece, projects funded by the European Union and national agencies, the introduction of a commercial parallel machine for the first time in Greece (Intel iPSC/2 hypercube), as well as the organization of the first (Athens 1987) and the third (Crete 1989) ACM - ICS conferences. The formal full name is "High Performance Information Systems Laboratory".

The laboratory supports research and education in the software area and specifically in the following: System software for parallel computing. Research includes operating systems, runtime systems and compilers techniques for job scheduling and memory management in shared and distributed memory multiprocessors. Parallel Systems Group Numerical computing and applications. Research includes numerical methods and software systems for PDEs, problem solving environments, eigenvalue problems and computational finance. Scientific Computing Group Hypermedia & multimedia environments. Research includes hypermedia frameworks and tools, digital libraries and information repositories, content modeling and metadata, applications in Culture, computer assisted and distance education, 3D/VR systems and user interfaces, intranets and networking infrastructure.


Copyright Minerva Project 2003-09, last revision 2003-09-05, edited by Minerva Editorial Board.
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