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International Conference

Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives

4-5 December 2006
Roma, Complesso del San Michele - Sala dello Stenditoio
Via di San Michele, 22

Session 2: Users, content and services/Utenti, contenuti e servizi

Ivan Ronai
(Ministry of Education and Culture, Hungary)

MICHAEL Plus and the new members


Hungary joined the Minerva project in June 2003, almost a year before she acceded to the EU. That was the year when an Information Society Strategy was being discussed in Hungary. This strategy - endorsed by the government - postulates culture among the main development objectives, and defines cultural digitisation as a major priority. In this setting the initiative to enlarge the Michael project was very much welcome by Hungary. The opportunities offered to new member states by the Michael Plus project are discussed in the presentation.


© MICHAEL Project 2006-12, last revision 2006-12-12, edited by Minerva Editorial Board